Yeti GOBOX Collection

Leopard attack video

That is freakin nuts. No fault to the the dude for screamin like a girl on that one.
Them damn predators are hell on the ungulate populations over there. Need to kill them all and SSS.....woops, wrong board.:D

I think he should have changed out the double barreled rifle for a double barreled shotgun.:D
That was some funny chit while I am sitting here behind my desk. :D

Probably wouldn't have been so funny, if I would have been wrestling around on the ground with it, while people were shooting at it.:BLEEP::eek::BLEEP:
Now that would suck.... good thing the guy with the follow up shot could finish the deal..
Mine died the easy way....instantly....still had one claw dug into bait at bottom of tree...hit it in the right place with a .375RUM 300gr SP and its over.....I would not want to follow up on a wounded Leopard.....Been there done that on a fugging fun!!
Watched and LISTENED to this video several times....that ain't the man doing girly squeals, that's the cat doing cat fight squeals....
Poor shooting makes for nasty conditions! They must have been on Campfire Lands or Conservation Area as Government Parks and Wildlife lands prohibit spotlights....that's why it took two trips and 20 days for me to take a Leopard! I figgured lights were cheating as use of dogs as Leopards tree quicker than a Mountain Lion.
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