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Last Minute Superbowl project.


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
If any of you know me, you know I do everything at the last minute. You will also not be surprised I had no clue who was even playing in the superbowl till about 10 minutes into the game !! Regardless, I like going "big" in whatever I do. So this year the morning of the game I decided to build stadium seating. Not just Gheto seating, but carpeted platforms to boot. Having 65" of HDTV got me nominated by my football watching buddies to have a party at my place :








With 8 bowls of Chicken wings, 5 pizzas, chips, dips, drinks , etc, there was no shortage of Foodage as well. I can't remember who won exceopt it was the underdawgs and the end was real good.

I can't wait till next year :p
I linked them off of my Wifes Blog.... They must not like me using them to host pictures for here.. oops :)

Well done Moosie. The carpet made it a little too classy though.
COOL! I tried in Vain to locate a Church Pew to do the same thing...just could'nt locate one. We had 45 of our closest friends over. All the teenagers were in one Den and the Adults were in the other. Fun Time! John
if you have two couches in your living room and one of them is up on blocks....you might be a redneck.
WTF, Mountain Dew, pepsi, softdrinks for a super bowl party. Fug man, what kind of politically correct chit you trying to pull. You'll set a precedent that all of us will have to abide by. For the good of humanity at least pull out a bottle of wild turkey or something. (I did like the kid in the camo.)
I guess you never played football in your younger days huh Moosie. To bad looked like you might have had some size to ya.. Nothing funner than kicken someones ass because you could.
Yah All my friends that were there are LDS and don't drink. I'm not but I don't drink hardley ever, so sorry about that :p, next time for the pictures I'll stage something ;)

The kid in Camo is Parker, my 2nd youngest.

As far as playing football, yah, I used to play a little. I used to play basketball a little too. I still love playing, but I just don't watch football or care who wins. Some people know stats, who is trading who, how much players make... etc. I truely just don't care. I do like watching people that like football. Yelling at the TV like the players can listen... Getting mad for days because someone missed a play. Crap like that makes me laugh. Like they have some Vested interest in the game or the players.

Some of the comercials were fun to watch though !!!! :D
if you have so much chit in your garage you can't pull your cars in, you might be a redneck
Not "supposed" to drink.

We have an old saying here in Idaho-don't take just "one" mormon fishing, they will drink all your beer.

You beat me to it ID! I'd say Moosies liquor cabinet was safe if all of those guys are LDS.

BTW- Nice set-up Oscar. Very cool stadium seating. What are you doing with the "lift kit" now that the game is over?
That's awesome, you're like an engineer or something, what a genius. Who thought of that, your wife or you or the buddies who nominated you for the party?
Sorry to get off topic but if you are a member of LDS you can't drink?

Yes, you can't (Or shouldn't) drink. You shouldn't smoke or other stuff too. You would be surprised I think how many LDS folks post here :)

That's awesome, you're like an engineer or something, what a genius. Who thought of that, your wife or you or the buddies who nominated you for the party?

My brother in law came up with the idea, My wife did not and also does not like the idea. that being said, It's still up in our house :)

We will probably store it and use it for Movie nights, Etc. We'll see ifthe hassel is worth it. Bringing the couch up and down the stairs is alot of work.

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