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Koch Bros. focussed on Senate


Dec 23, 2000
I am far beyond over the elections this year, but thought this might interest some.

Turning Back on Trump

COLORADO SPRINGS – The Koch political network has embraced a simple mantra when asked about Donald Trump: “We’re focused on the Senate.”

That’s the message from the heads of the billionaire industrialist Koch brothers’ vast policy and political network who gathered with hundreds of the nation’s most powerful Republican donors this weekend in a luxury hotel at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.

With Election Day just three months away, they are refusing to support the Republican presidential nominee, focusing their tremendous resources instead on helping the GOP win competitive Senate contests in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Koch’s chief lieutenants barely mentioned Trump’s name when asked repeatedly by the handful of reporters permitted to cover the exclusive weekend retreat.

“We think we can be most effective working on the Senate,” said Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity, a major player in the vast Koch network. “We’re not engaged on the presidential.”

The comments came Sunday, on Day Two of a three-day gathering for donors who promise to give at least $100,000 each year to the various groups backed by the Koch brothers’ Freedom Partners – a network of education, policy and political entities that aim to promote a smaller, less intrusive government.
BTW - Americans for Prosperity is working to support the Transfer of Public Lands agenda as well. They're fielding a lot of people to do get out the vote work, and try to eliminate candidates who support public lands.

In an election year where the top of the ticket leaves a lot to be desired, it's critical to stay engaged in your local congressional and state legislative districts. One of the brilliant things groups like these have done is to recruit new voices, and run them for office starting a County Commissions.

Their effort to turn out the vote in support of pro-transfer candidates is a direct assault on your ability to hunt and fish.
BTW - Americans for Prosperity is working to support the Transfer of Public Lands agenda as well. They're fielding a lot of people to do get out the vote work, and try to eliminate candidates who support public lands.

In an election year where the top of the ticket leaves a lot to be desired, it's critical to stay engaged in your local congressional and state legislative districts. One of the brilliant things groups like these have done is to recruit new voices, and run them for office starting a County Commissions.

Their effort to turn out the vote in support of pro-transfer candidates is a direct assault on your ability to hunt and fish.

You got that right. What a bunch of dumb asses.
It will be House & Senate that will start the war..............excuse me,they already have.

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