I am sure most of you know I use Gerber Vital and Big Game Vital knives. I have been using their products for about five years. I really like them compared to past replaceable blade options I had used.
This season they asked me to do some research. They told me to use every sort of knife I could find. Yeah, they took me to Cabela's last summer and we bought every knife that had some sort of feature I might find interesting for the elk hunter. It has been an interesting endeavor.
I sent them video of the tasks most important when processing an elk in the field, using the gutless method. They have sent me some other ideas based on my feedback and they have asked me to try some new samples. Some are very interesting upgrades, some will just stay as samples.
They have been asking me a ton of questions. I've provided answers. I think they have appreciated what I have asked for and suggested. We are talking about doing an elk hunting-specific knife based on some of the ideas I am presenting and supported by much of the video I have that shows the part of elk processing that require a different application than a do-all knife.
I told them I had access to a large pool of serious knife users here on Hunt Talk. They asked if I would seek comments here. So that is what I am doing.
Given I only have my hunting/trapping experiences to draw from, I am interested in comments and perspectives you have. I am mostly interested in a few things.
1. What style of knife you currently use, and brand if you care to share?
2. What you would like to see as upgrades to what you currently use?
3. Are you primarily and elk hunter or other big game?
4. Do you mostly do the gutless method or do you do the traditional field dressing/gutting?
I am also curious how much of a factor the following might be to other hunters, given how they use a knife - weight, blade durability versus sharpening ease, size, folding versus fixed blade, and replaceable blade versus resharpenable blade. And, any other ideas you are seeking when buying a knife.
Thanks for any help you are willing to provide.
This season they asked me to do some research. They told me to use every sort of knife I could find. Yeah, they took me to Cabela's last summer and we bought every knife that had some sort of feature I might find interesting for the elk hunter. It has been an interesting endeavor.
I sent them video of the tasks most important when processing an elk in the field, using the gutless method. They have sent me some other ideas based on my feedback and they have asked me to try some new samples. Some are very interesting upgrades, some will just stay as samples.
They have been asking me a ton of questions. I've provided answers. I think they have appreciated what I have asked for and suggested. We are talking about doing an elk hunting-specific knife based on some of the ideas I am presenting and supported by much of the video I have that shows the part of elk processing that require a different application than a do-all knife.
I told them I had access to a large pool of serious knife users here on Hunt Talk. They asked if I would seek comments here. So that is what I am doing.
Given I only have my hunting/trapping experiences to draw from, I am interested in comments and perspectives you have. I am mostly interested in a few things.
1. What style of knife you currently use, and brand if you care to share?
2. What you would like to see as upgrades to what you currently use?
3. Are you primarily and elk hunter or other big game?
4. Do you mostly do the gutless method or do you do the traditional field dressing/gutting?
I am also curious how much of a factor the following might be to other hunters, given how they use a knife - weight, blade durability versus sharpening ease, size, folding versus fixed blade, and replaceable blade versus resharpenable blade. And, any other ideas you are seeking when buying a knife.
Thanks for any help you are willing to provide.