
Kids !


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
Having a bad day today, little one(we will call her nightmare) has stuff scattered all over the house water on the tv etc. I walk in the door and see this crap get kinda ticked and head to the garage to work (hide).
Aprils packing molds to ship out of town, I hear my older daughter come in the house, she immediatly pounds on the garage door then opens it. Now knowing my older daughter she only talks(immediatly when she walks ion the door) to me if she wants something or there is a problem.

so she is sitting at the doorway starting to tell me whats up, I am looking at her and this box she has in her hand. Granted for 5 mins she never said anything about the box nor the contents just gibbered jabber about something( I forgot what it was). So I being in a bad mood say "what the hell is in the box" KNowing I really dont want to know. now this is the kid that hide a mouse in her bedroom( in a damn box) last year for 1-2 months and not telling us.
So Anyway instead of saying what was in the box she asks me if I know how to splint a birds wing. I was like Oh shit dont tell me you brought a pigeon home.

Anyway she goes on and on about this broken winged bird and I listened, I then ask her whats in the box and she says oh its not a pigeon. I said what the hell is it then and she says its a dove Heck close enough feed it to the cat.

now Nightmare heard this and went balistic(she loves to yell and scream and dani started in aswell.
So I walk over to see it and she has a little rock dove in a box. She tells me it cant fly and I pick it up set it on my finger and it takes off through the garage.then through the house. Flie s fine let it go.

They decide they want to play with it Nightmare has that screaming giggle( you know the one that your neighbors kids have that gives you a freaking headach.)

Heres Nightmare holding the bird




So anyway they decided to let anthony see it when he got home 45 mins. I walked in the bedroom to get on the pc . I wasnt gone 2 mins and April walks out into the liveing room and its LAying on the table, yes laying sideways on the freaking table. April is laughing her ass off and dani and Nightmare are really quiet.

Cats going to get something good to eat tonight ;)

I guess it was one of those things where you had to be here.

Its a little rock dove, we have thoughsands here in az

That was great Del... It sure looks like a great way to pic up your day... LOL...
here kitty kitty
Boy Number 2 wants to know what Nightmare is doing tomorrow night. He'll bring the Kool Aid if she brings the cookies. Screaming, giggling, playing with wild animals...that's his kind of woman. ;)
Nightmare is a cutie. someday you will laugh at all her adventures.
Yeah sure Schmaltz; and one day he'll be pulling out his hair at her missadventures!! :eek: ;) Goodstory Dell!! :D

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