Keep Routt Wild

They are very pro hunting, the group was actually started because of concerns over increased amounts of year-round recreation (of all sorts) impacting elk herds in the immediate area and how that has affected hunting success over the past decade or so.
I concur that the group is very pro hunting. I grew up in Routt county and went to high school with one of their board members (a hard core bow hunter). The group sprang up in response to a proposed project to build hundreds of miles of bike trails in Routt National Forest. My view is that this group is a grass roots effort to preserve elk and deer populations for hunting purposes.
Not sure if anyone else has seen this, but received the attached letter from Forest Service along with the below response.

Here is the link to the project's website:

Once on the site, navigate to "Summer 2019 pre-scoping" to find the press release; project summary, project map and letter. Please note that the Forest Service is seeking any new information pertaining to this project that may affect the scope of the analysis. All information collected to date including public meetings, round table discussions, and other dialogue was and will be considered. This will be last extensive public outreach for the project before the Forest Service before initiating the formal NEPA process and draft timeline is included in the document.


  • 20190716 Mad Rabbit Preliminary_Proposed_Action_Letter_to_Interested_Parties.pdf
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Any one else been keeping tabs on this? It sounded like the city council was supposed to vote on funding for these trails on Tuesday but I haven't heard which way the vote went.

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