
Juneau Fly Fishing Recommendations


Active member
Jul 29, 2015
Sedan, NM
My mother-in-law purchased for the family an Alaskan cruise out of Juneau for the first week of June 2022. Afterwards, my wife and I planned to stay a few extra days to fish saltwater and (my "dream") Dolly Varden and grayling.

I have now learned my M-i-L has always wanted to try fly fishing but has no experience and I have neither the patience nor knowledge (I'm self-taught since I started as a kid) to teach her in one day. Does anyone have any experience/recommendations for a fly fishing guide? Also, any recommendations for salt water charter (looking to do a six-pack type)?
Your answer is a guide by the name of Mark Heronimus. End of story. He comes out every year to fish with me out in King Salmon on the Naknek, he is by far the very best fisherman I have ever met. He loves fishing the sea run Dollies around Juneau. You need to be fishing before June 6 because he’ll be in King Salmon on the 7th.
Your answer is a guide by the name of Mark Heronimus. End of story. He comes out every year to fish with me out in King Salmon on the Naknek, he is by far the very best fisherman I have ever met. He loves fishing the sea run Dollies around Juneau. You need to be fishing before June 6 because he’ll be in King Salmon on the 7th.
From what I can find online, Mark guides for Bear Creek Outfitters?