Javelina (Pic)


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2002
My buddy Todd M had a general javelina tag for a local area. It rained pretty much all day Friday (opening day). With nice clear skies this AM, we figured the rodents would be moving around. So we got a nice early start, around 9:30 A.M. this morning. At about 9:45 A.M. we were done with his hunt.

There isn't much of a story, so here are a few pics. This is a typical javelina, not real big, not real small.



Thanks for the pics. Did he arrow it?

I called a co-worker yesterday and he was sitting in the rain 30 miles north of Prescott, looking for a javelina. Looks like nice weather today.
No arrow, he took his .25-06 out today. He'd never hunted them with a rifle before, so he thought he'd try it. I'm pretty sure that's the last time he'll take the rifle out for them. Javelina are made for a bow.

We saw another small herd crossing the asphalt road on our way back to my house. They should be moving pretty good today.
Great pics! Doesn't look like you had to get too far out of town...

I'd love to bring my 338 down that way and chase those little guys!
Great pics! Doesn't look like you had to get too far out of town...

I'd love to bring my 338 down that way and chase those little guys!

You think that might be a touch more gun than needed? ;)
Yeah, but I bet it'll work! :D Besides, I use for all big game hunting. 'Course I guess I could always bring my .223AI for backup...
I heard about that pig.... I've been lookni gfor the Pictures myself. If you find them, please post them :D

Cool pics !!