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Is CO actually a "true preference point" state?


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2017
I've wondered this for a while now. I know Randy always says CO is a "true preference point" state, and yet, I'm always confused by things I see in the Draw Recap Report.

Note the screen shot below of last years (2018) elk recap.

You will see that there are 140 tags available for these three codes. Within the resident pool - which is granted 55% of the tags (77 tags) - there are 513 1st choice applicants.

Right off the bat you see that 2 people applied with 9 preference points, however, only 1 of those 2 got a tag. That's odd because, obviously, if there are multiple people with the same amount of preference points, and the amount of tags is equal to or greater than the number of those people with those preference points, they should all get a tag; if there are tags left after those folks then you move on to the next highest pool of point holders. This is how a "true preference point" system works.

Why did only 1/2 with 9 points draw when if they both drew there are still 75 tags left to move down the list with? Why did only 36/40 draw at 5 points when there are still tags available in the resident pool even if they all drew at 5 points?

This can't be application errors, cause the app never would've gone through and wouldn't even show up in this report if it was in error. I can't see how it could be returns or reversals, as these folks didn't even know they had a tag when this report was generated.

Given the absurdity of how CO does weighted point draws I can't help but think there is something a little more going on with CO's regular preference point draw than it being as simple as a "true preference point" system. And the thing is, you will find similar things going on here on countless pages of the draw recap, this is just one of those many examples. What am I missing here?

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It's also pre-draw applicants, that might include people who submitted an app then withdrew it...

Also just my opinion but I think the weighted point system is one of the best out there for the big three...
Also just my opinion but I think the weighted point system is one of the best out there for the big three...

I have mixed feelings on it. I like it because I can actually have a hope of drawing something with only 3+1, or even 3+0. But it seems your chances statistically don't get that much greater with more weighted points. And when you read through the process of what they do in the draw process, it seems more akin to your cow shatting on a bingo board analogy. In reality I think they pull the South Park Federal Treasury method and just cut a chickens head off and see where it falls on the matt.
Agree... I think 3pp then a straight lottery would be better, but I think the system way better than MT, WY, UT, or NM.
I was confused with this as well looking at the draw reports. Perhaps that person who didn't draw with 9 points applied as a 2nd choice and drew something else as a 1st choice? That's really the only explanation I can come up with.
When I called CPW a few years back about that same observation, I was given the answer above.
Yes, when you see this in the recaps it is almost exclusively because the applicant applied in a group with someone with fewer points. The other possibility in a small number of units is that lower level applicants drew hybrid licenses.