Interesting venison recipe

While on the topic of venison, does one have to have air flow to age a deer. Because of weather I had to quarter it out and put into coolers. It hung for about a week.
Seems a little late but circulating are is good to dry age the meat we dry age our lambs for about a week. The air helps keep the mold down we have a walk in fridge that circs the air and were in Nevada where we don't have humid air helps a lot.
Just put this in the crockpot with a neck roast from a doe I took with my muzzleloader this year. I'll let you guys know how it turns out.

I had to google chile-garlic sauce and it came back with about 50 links to Sriracha (which I don't generally eat) so that's what I used. I will say it doesn't smell too bad. I just hope it isn't too spicy for my wife and kids.
I gotta say, I didn't care much for it at all. My wife said she liked it alright but I think she was trying to be nice. Don't plan on using this recipe again. If you like Sriracha then you would probably like it. But it's not for me.
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