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A co-worker of mine just came in to tell me of his "deer hunting" adventure of last weekend. His son has been pestering him to go deer hunting all year. He told his son that he didn't have a gun to shoot the deer with, but the boy quickly reminded him that he had his B-B gun.
(This is a modern, sissified gun that just kind of lobs the B-B a short distance, makes a good thump and that's about it.)
So Saturday was the big day...Dad took his boy out to the woods and sat down under a big oak tree. He figured they'd be there about half an hour or so and the kid would be ready to go home. The thought of actually seeing a deer never crossed his mind.
Naturally, not long after sitting down a nice 6-pointer (3x3 WoMS) approached.
The boy kept his cool until the deer crossed just a few feet in front of him, then let him have it with the B-B gun...right in the ass!
The deer took off like someone had poked him with a cattle prod, and the boy has given himself Daniel Boone Stud status ever since.
I thought that was pretty damn funny.

So Saturday was the big day...Dad took his boy out to the woods and sat down under a big oak tree. He figured they'd be there about half an hour or so and the kid would be ready to go home. The thought of actually seeing a deer never crossed his mind.
Naturally, not long after sitting down a nice 6-pointer (3x3 WoMS) approached.

I thought that was pretty damn funny.