If you were to be reincarnate as an animal, what would you be?


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
I would be a bird that is not endangered or actively hunted that lives in an undisturbed wilderness and won't be under any threat of destruction.
Giant Sea Tortoise. Not exactly romantic or beautiful. But I dig them! So awkward, lumbering and slow in the outside world, but in the sea graceful as angels in flight.
OHH Heesh, ELKCHSR make an Apearance and Elkhunter is BAck to his old self ;) I'd be a Big Buck in the back country !!!! Or maybe a Rabbit breading all year long ;)
Be a male koalla bear....get to see different parts of the country traveling zoo to zoo servicing all the lonely koalla hotties. Eattin sugar cane etc...
A killer whale. Free to swim the oceans of the world, no natural enemies big enough to worry about. Lots of fat, tastey seals to eat......Well, it can't all be good..

I think a stud horse would be pretty nice...
Probably would get old before too long though...
Thanks Oscar!!! You love us and you know it :p
I think I would like to be a couger in Kalifornia.
That way I would be free to kill and eat all the sprouteaters I wanted with out retribution.
Actually after watching Pine Martins this year, that would be the life, chasing squirls and sneaking around all the time.
Or a little weasel would be fun, if you have ever been privelaged to sit and watch one move thru and around their natural environment so smooth and graceful would be so cool..... :)
Cougar, somewhere where hound hunting was banned!!! UNless I knew what I know now, then I'd be a cougar anywhere and would be pretty famous at that after killing every dam dog and hunter that got near me!!!

If those things only knew there power.
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