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If you put in for 680 ram see this!!!

.... I am not the owner but I do think it is a good idea. ......

......... Lets see a good number of the you guys spend more Heli hunting every year than I have spent in my whole life hunting. What is the difference? being able to afford the guided elk or sheep hunt or being able to afford to have a helicopter fly me in to hunt and flown out! Just a thought!! but on this site if your not with us your against us and no other ideas matter!!!!

Wheelie - I was asking if you owned the site for one reason. I am tiring of people coming here and trying to hijack our traffic to their sites, sites of their partners or sponsors, etc, either in their posts, their signature lines, or whatever. Some ask permission and it is granted. If it was your site, I was going to remove the link.

Since it is not your site, not a problem. It will stay there.

As far as costs for the heli hunt you refer to, it costs between $700 and $800 per person. This year was $800 per guy, as the camera guys each toasted a cow elk from the herd we shot the two bulls, so we had one more shuttle trip.

I am not saying that $700-800 is something everyone can afford. I suspect most could, if they wanted to do what we are doing. I think most figure heli hunting costs $5,000+, which is obviously not the case if you research it and find the right transporter.

If, as you say, that $700-800 is more than you have spent in your whole life hunting, then I think you should start a TV show that paralllels the fishing show called "Dime Store Fisherman." If your lfietime hunting expenses are that low, you have it figured out.
If you have to have private land to kill a big ram in 680, you're a tard.
What a great reason to apply for elk and sheep in 680/690, After seeing this, I'm going to and so will my boy.. look at all the old photos of "access" success stories. Hilarious.

Who would actually buy into this? I hope they can cover the cost of the website.
What, trying to turn MT into another Texas pay to hunt state? We have too much off this as an ongoing problem. Gonna apply for another region anyway. Too many carpet baggers trying to get into the game as it is. MTG
Good Luck!! ask the 5 people that ate their tag last year!! They hunted public!

HMMMM!!!! lets see I draw a tag that most people will never draw in their life which is just like winning lottery and for 69.00 I can have more land to hunt. Im in!! Have fun on the overhunted public land!@:hump:

Nice try. I've been part of a sheep hunt in 680. Spent a total of probably 10-12 days up there. 90% of that on public. Saw more sheep and nice rams then you could hunt in a season.

It takes a special person to eat a ram tag in 680...and by special, I mean completly, window licking, retarded.

This is probably the dumbest idea I have ever seen.
From their trophy room, Keith W(arren), TX seems to like the service.....antelope, lion and a 1 hr mulie.
Just when things get a little boring around here, this thread comes along. Man I love this place. Gentlemen, please carry on!
I am THIS dumb!
+1 drake. It's only january 9th and that might be the post of the year. Seriously eating that tag is a "u" problem as Colin Cowherd always says.

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