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If you like Reagan


New member
Sep 23, 2003
Long Beach, MS.
I got this from another forum by a guy named Randy. I already sent this John an email and he actually emailed me back with a childish response. If you want to let this guy know that you liked Reagan then feel free to send him your feelings and comments to his email address.

"For all that would like to participate, and you liked Ronald Reagan, there is a columnist here in Austin named John Kelso. John is a left leaning tongue in cheek type that mostly writes comical, silly columns that have no social significance.

This past Sunday, he wrote a mean spirited column about Reagan and why are we "not burying him already!" He said his wife also got into the fray by walking around the house singing, "Ronald Reagan died last year eieio... and all the mourners are still here eieio..."

I was appalled and shot off a letter. Minimal response. I was hoping that the group here would FLOOD his e-mail address telling him that his lack of respect was uncalled for and mean spirited. If you would like to get into this fray you can e-mail him at jkelso@statesman.com

Sometimes, we gotta go after these twits to let them know that what they write IS being read and sometimes NOT appreciated. Thanks. "

Thanks for sharing this piece.

In my humble opinion, John Kelso is a first class weenie! Yes, I am familiar with his whining drivel and childish responses.

I have been appalled both at work and with media at just how shitty and callous some people are. For Christ's sake...the man is dead...he can't defend himself. Please allow some human dignity!

I realize that I'm from a different era of time, but it still shocks me about what modern people think is right and just how far out on a limb they will go to prove their stupidity and lack of human feelings.

Reagan wasn't perfect, he made mistakes like any other mortal...but I thought he was a damned nice guy. I seriously doubt that there will be as many mourners and people like myself who felt a twang of angst if and when the time comes for Clinton, Gore, or Kerry's passing.
This is the same a-hole that advocated running over cyclist with your suburban right after someone was killed on a bike down there. The paper had to issue a public apology for that one.
You guys think he might really be ElkGunner? :D Hey, does this post look any better since I changed my monitor?? :confused:
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