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Idaho SB1256 Auction Tags


Dec 7, 2005
Boise, ID
This was brought up again in the Idaho Legislation thread, but I thought it deserved attention of its own.

The bill was recently amended. If I understood correctly, the following key changes were made:
1. The number of tags were reduced to 3 each for elk/deer/pronghorn plus 1 each for moose/goat/sheep.
2. The selling organization can retain only 5% of the funds.

Also note that these tags will come out of the non-resident allocation.

While these restrictions seem reasonable compared to Utah and the proposed bill in Arizona, I have been convinced we don't need any of these auction tags in Idaho based on principle alone and it's a step in the wrong direction.

What are your thoughts? Now is the time to voice your opinion if you haven't already, since a House vote will likely soon take place.
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First it will be 3 each for elk/deer/pronghorn plus 1 each for moose/goat/sheep. Then it will be 6/2. Then 9/4, then....

Also, really love how these tags always come out of the NR pool...
Also, really love how these tags always come out of the NR pool...
Why would a state take from the residents, whom can vote for them, versus non-residents who can't?

Fact is, anytime a state has to limit tags and therefore administer them via a drawing the NRs are always gonna get the short end of the stick. NRs are at the whim of the state they want to hunt.
First it will be 3 each for elk/deer/pronghorn plus 1 each for moose/goat/sheep. Then it will be 6/2. Then 9/4, then....

Exactly, the whole auction tag thing is bad no matter what.
Why would a state take from the residents, whom can vote for them, versus non-residents who can't?

Fact is, anytime a state has to limit tags and therefore administer them via a drawing the NRs are always gonna get the short end of the stick. NRs are at the whim of the state they want to hunt.

Oh, I completely get it. However, these tags are presumably being auctioned off for the betterment of all hunters (especially those of the state in which they are taken) so IMO all hunter should sacrifice. I guess all the tags given to NR are essentially sacrificed by the residents but it still always makes chuckle when they take exclusively from the NR pool. Good thing NRs fund the coffers of the Western states else there probably wouldn’t be any NR tags at all.
They try and make SB1256 more palatable by taking from the NR pool. The fact in this bill in ANY form is bad for Idaho!

SB1282, to allow "Incentive Tags" to a group of landowners holding some landlocked BLM parcels hostage is bad also. If they succeed how long do you think it will be before any landowner throughout the state, with a state or BLM parcel surrounded, will want one of these tags? To reward these landowners who are hold this property hostage will only send the wrong message. Keep your phone and/or your email warmed up and notify every friend you have who you think will make a contact with his legislator! This session will be over in a few days and I believe without vigalance these bills will pass.

I know you want this pushed to another thread, but it would be helpful if we could keep this on the Idaho Legislative Update. Some of us have been hammering our Senators and Legislators and are trying to squeeze mounting support for what is screwing up hunting in our state while we are still working during the day. Just easier if we don't have to go cruising all over the forum for issues that impact Idaho.
Since I cant rock and sleep at the same time and my wife needs to sleep more than I do I found a way to pass the time and just sent this to my local reps.

In the upcoming days you will be asked to vote on S1256aaH the "Governor Tag" bill. As a lifelong Idaho resident and sportsman I have always been concerned with one of Idaho’s
greatest resources, its wildlife. Hunting in Idaho is more than just a hobby. It is a way to reconnect with memories of friends and loved ones who have passed and a stimulus for dreams of upcoming adventures. I write to you while passing time in the hospital as my wife and newborn son catch up on their much needed rest. This is also an unimaginable stimulant as to why I will do everything I can to protect hunting opportunity for myself, my children and all of their children and grandchildren as well. I am proud that Idaho has not developed a more european model of wildlife management and with the birth of my son yesterday I now have even more reason to make sure he has the same opportunities I have enjoyed. In his book, A Book Lovers Holidays In The Open, Theodore Roosevelt wrote “the average man of small or moderate means can enjoy the vigorous pastime of the chase, and indeed can enjoy wild nature, only if there are good general laws, properly enforced” this is not one of those laws. I must say I am appalled at the way some members of my republican party in this legislative year have turned a blind eye to the thoughts of one of our greatest leaders and have instead proposed and passed legislation that would privatize our wildlife and give more priviledge to the more privileged. S1256 and S1282 are the most current examples. I am well aware of the need to increase revenue for the Idaho Fish and Game but this kind of legislation is not the proper way to accomplish that goal. The funds raised will change from year to year entirely dependant on how much someone is willing to spend in order to bypass the tag draw system and step over the rest of the hunters in the tag draw pool. There is also a very real chance that some funding will be lost as hunters are disgruntled by the fact that someone with a large checkbook is able to purchase a tag that they have been trying to draw for several years. There are other more stable ways of generating the needed revenue for the department including but not limited to increasing the cost of license and tag fees. I urge you to vote against S1256 and continue to preserve Idaho’s hunting heritage for all to enjoy.

As for posting in the update thread I started it as a way to get info out about all of the bills and make it easier to find that info. If seperate threads dealing with specific bills generate more responses then that cant be a bad thing. lets keep them all going.
The Auction Tag Bill has passed with a Senate vote of 19-16 this morning.

Senator Bair closed debate stating that it is already the policy of the state to auction and sell tags and that those auctioning the tags get to keep no more than 5% of the sale value of the tags.

Well why don't we just auction every tag in the state off if it's already our policy, Senator Bair?

At least the ATV Bill failed yesterday.
Here is how they voted. By in large it seems to be the same group voting yes to screw over the sportsmen when and where they can in favor of people with deep pockets.

03/28 3rd rdg as amen - PASSED - 19-16-0
AYES -- Bair, Brackett, Broadsword, Cameron, Darrington, Davis, Fulcher, Goedde, Hammond, Heider, Hill, Keough, Lodge, McKague, McKenzie, Rice, Siddoway, Smyser, Winder
NAYS -- Andreason, Bilyeu, Bock, Corder, Johnson, LeFavour, Malepeai, Mortimer, Nuxoll, Pearce, Schmidt, Stennett, Tippets, Toryanski, Vick, Werk
Absent and excused -- None
Floor Sponsor - Bair
Title apvd - to House
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