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Idaho no longer manages wolves under ESA


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2008
BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- Idaho told the U.S. Department of Interior it will no longer manage wolves in the state under the federal Endangered Species Act.

Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter made the announcement Monday after talks between the state and federal government failed to result in an agreement.

Otter notified Interior Secretary Ken Salazar that his state will no longer act as the federal government's "designated agent."

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service didn't immediately return a phone call seeking comment on how it will respond to Idaho's move.

A federal judge in Montana returned wolves to Endangered Species Act protections earlier this year.
Sounds like they may no longer receive federal funding for hunting / other related aspects. Good / Bad or indifferent - will be interesting to see how this pans out.
Sounds like they may no longer receive federal funding for hunting / other related aspects. Good / Bad or indifferent - will be interesting to see how this pans out.

It should get interesting real quick. Didn't Montana do something similar?

Idaho Fish and Game operates on tag and license fees and are not funded by or with taxes. No longer spending money on wolves without recieving moneys from wolf tags should help a little.
Management will revert back to US Fish and Wildlife Agency or the Nez Perce tribe (who has an agreement with the Fed on Wolf management). I can understand the frustration, but I'd rather have local guys working on wolves than feds.

MT has retained management authority through their MOU with the Fed (signed in 2005, I think).

There shouldn't be a loss of federal funds other than the $600,000 or so given to each state for wolf management.
There shouldn't be a loss of federal funds other than the $600,000 or so given to each state for wolf management.

After our "no posted speed limit" deal in MT where federal funding was threatened - It always makes me think of such. Good to hear - least no threat of such would come into play.
I love this guy! Finally, a step to take our state back from the feds.

Uhhhhh..... not to point out the ignorance of somebody that loves Otter, but Butchie GAVE back the management to the Feds. . . .

Butchie is saying he wants the Feds to manage the State, just like he wants them to continue to spend Stimulus money in the state, and, just like he takes money from Obamacare.....
Otter didnt "give" anything back to the Feds. They were always in control, they just gave the state the guise of control to keep us happy. When the state no longer was able to manage the wolves using common sence, he basically told the feds the state will not waste any more money on this charade. It is nice to see someone stand up to them and stop being bullied.
Otter has shown Zero leadership on wolf management, or, any other natural resource issue. Otter playing politics with wildlife management shows his lack of support for hunters, and his ignorance on issues.
And remember it is still illegal to kill a wolf in Idaho.

And now, a day later, Butchie is having to back track on his ignorant advice to hunters in Idaho.... LMAO at Butchie...

BOISE, Idaho — Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter is warning Idaho hunters not to shoot wolves they see chasing elk, a reversal of his stance just a day ago.
On Monday, he announced Idaho was relinquishing wolf management duties in protest of the federal government's refusal to allow a public hunt.
After a press conference in Boise, Otter told The Associated Press that federal laws allow hunters to shoot wolves they saw pursuing elk or moose. But he clarified his position Tuesday.
Otter still believes big game are Idaho's "livestock," and that residents should be able to protect them like any livestock owner.
But actually shooting a wolf would likely be a violation of federal law.
Otter is still hoping for federal permission to kill dozens of wolves in northcentral Idaho's Lolo region he blames for reducing elk herds there.

The fact that Butchie thinks Idaho's wildlife are "Livestock" tells you all you need to know about how Butchie manages natural resources.
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