Kenetrek Boots

Idaho National Forest Closed to Public

Guess I had better plan to hunt there in 2 years!
Looks like it's closed until they decide the dangers are minimal enough to allow reopening. If people have a problem with the closure and think the USFS folks aren't doing their jobs properly, I guess you can take your thoughts up the ladder. Not being there to see the damage or having a degree to maximize my knowldege on the factors that apparently required that decision to be made leaves everything else to worthless assumptions IMHO.
All it would take would be one person getting smashed by a dead tree or somebody stepping in a washout on a trail and taking a header downhill.
Looks like it's closed until they decide the dangers are minimal enough to allow reopening. If people have a problem with the closure and think the USFS folks aren't doing their jobs properly, I guess you can take your thoughts up the ladder.

The elites around Sun Valley have already taken their thoughts up the ladder, Topgun. That's why it's closed. You ever see the large hoards of riff raff that pick mushrooms after fires in the west? Can't have that crowd around Sun Valley.

I can understand closing badly effected areas. To close most all the burned areas seems to be an extreme measure IMO.
I can't believe I'm siding with BHR on this one.

The Forest Service could put our a warning that you go at your own peril.

They can close areas where crews are working on the forests, but the whole fire area has me thinking the same (I did it again) as BHR.

I don't like it. Nor should it be allowed. This just fuels the Tea Baggers Fires.

What are they going to protect us on next? Oh there's to much run off and the rivers are not safe, so no white water rafting on the Salmon, or the Selway? People die each and every year over on those waters.

How about Rock Climbing?
To me, the lawsuits and pressure brought to land management agencies to "protect us from ourselves" is just another reflection of an urbanizing society. Urbanites want to know that wild places exist, but they want those places treated like manicured parks they are accustomed to.

When their expectations are not met and they pull some stupid stunt that proves Darwin's theories, their families get lawyered up, and the land agency get sued because they did not remove every foreseeable risk some knothead might be exposed to and the chucklehead ended up getting hurt.

I don't blame the agency. I blame society for being a bunch of candy asses. A society that wants to make a story out of people they don't like, say loggers or ranchers, as being out to "Tame the wild" and they do so in a negative context.

Yet, these same urbanites expect land agencies to "tame the land" for them so they and their lap dog don't encounter a tick along the trail. It is wild land. If you can't handle that, keep your pansy ass at home on the couch, walk your designer dog down along the concrete ditch, and feed the domesticated ducks some more popcorm.

Open the damned forest and let the knot heads get hurt. There are too many of the dumb asses as it is. If a few of them get scared and never want to come back, we and the forests are better off as a result.

Rant over. Just tired of stupid society pressures, mostly urbanite pressures, putting the squeeze on agencies and then the agencies taking the hit for what the courts tell them to do.
Shoot's found a way to slip a "tea bagger" slur into this thread. :D Good one!

They didn't shut the "dangerous" forest down in the winter to back country skiing. They waited just before the mushroom season to do it. It is what it is.
It is odd that the closure only includes the burned area within the Wood River drainage. I have a fairly educated guess that the mushroom pickers being kept out has a lot to do with it.

Idnative unless you have some specifics I am unaware of I think your a little off base.
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