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Idaho Legislation 2014


Active member
Jan 13, 2011
Looks like the wheels are about spun up to full speed down at the statehouse. So instead of the multiple threads about the bills I figured I would start another one this year for all the updates anyone wants to add.

Looks like the current hot button issue in the works is H0431
This is the domestic cervide inspection reduction bill. The changes would lower the ammount and frequency of testing of private herds. If this bill passes the chances of an animal being imported into a private herd in Idaho that has CWD is greatly increased. Thereby increasing the chances of a CWD outbreak among wildlife in Idaho. The bill is opposed pretty much every wildlife organization.

I see the agenda for today's House R&C committee meeting includes a draft to be presented by Rep. Moyle pertaining to controlled hunt permits. Anyone want to wager on this being another points system attempt?

They will also be discussing the wolf depredation control board.

Hopefully I get a chance to listen in this could be interesting.
Good luck Idaho. Let us know how we can help.

"No man's life, liberty or property is safe when the Legislature is in session." Mark Twain

I bet Mr. Twain would have included your hunting opportunity if he were alive today.
This is on the agenda for this afternoon as well. We need a bill # so the rest of the story can be told to the Legislature!
If anyone would like more info send me a PM

Waterfowl and turkey hunters we need your help again!

There is now a bill being proposed that would prevent waterfowl and turkey outfitting and guiding in Idaho. The bill has been issued a routing slip number of RS22632 and we need your help requesting that it gets printed. The bill will have a print hearing tomorrow in the House Resource and Conservation committee.

This bill will add the following text to the Outfitters and Guides Act:
The board shall not accept, process or approve any applications for outfitted or guided turkey or waterfowl hunting. Unless licensed to do so prior to November 13, 2013, a person may not outfit or guide turkey or waterfowl hunters for compensation. Any rule, order, memorandum, policy, guidance or other document adopted by the board, or portion thereof, which is contrary to this subsection is null and void and shall have no force or effect.

Please send an email to the House members of the Resource and Conservation Committee urging them to print RS22632 and support the subsequent bill.

The process requires a print hearing before we get a full bill number. Your support will help get this print hearing and then move it along. As we get farther in the process we will need all the support you can provide.

Email addresses to send to are:

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

Here is what I sent, please feel free to use as a reference or just send them a simple statement like, "I support RS22632. Please help to get this printed and support the subsequent bill. Please do not allow waterfowl and turkey outfitting and guiding in Idaho."

PLEASE include your name and address at the top of the email. If you are in the district of one of these house members it will help.

Also please feel free to email your specific legislators with the same information. You can find your legislators here:'smylegislator.htm

Sample letter below:

Your Name
City, Idaho

Dear House Representatives on the Resource and Conservation Committee:

I am writing to ask that you support RS22632. Please help to get this bill printed and support it. The sportsmen of Idaho have clearly expressed that they do not support outfitting and guiding for waterfowl and turkey. The Idaho Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board has ignored the opinion and allowed it in policy. With this move they have cheated both the sportsmen and the legislators in the negotiated rulemaking process.

Thank you for your time and consideration. A concerned sportsman and voter.
Yep, someone should have bet me I would have had to pay up. Not that the proposed bill is any better.
What do you all think about the bill to exempt private land from any outfitting/guiding regulation? Good, bad, indifferent? I'm not sure what to think about that one.
Thanks for those links...but I'm still confused on what exactly is going on here. Is it guides and outfitters not wanting any kind of regulation on private land? Is it private landowners pushing to not be regulated by IOGA? Is this thing coming up because of concerns/desires for turkey/waterfowl guiding?? I usually stay on top of these issues but I can't quite figure out what angle and position these groups are coming from. Any background would be appreciated.
Sportsmen brought bill 469 in direct response to IOGALB's handling of negotiated rule making and the Idaho Farm Bureau brought 468 for the same reason I suspect. The 469 is very clear and 468 it seems eliminates IOGALB's control over any jurisdiction on private property. Stand by more info to come.
Watching the live stream of the H0431 debate. There should be a maximum age and reading proficiency test for legislators. This is brutal! These people are changing laws effecting our wildlife!?! The bill passed.
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