Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Idaho Elk


Active member
Aug 19, 2009
St Paul MN
Ok so I am starting to put plans together for an Idaho elk mule deer hunt. I have never hunted elk before so know just what I hear from others and seen on the TV. I am looking at the Selway area to hunt not looking for anyones spots or anything that way just help on how to pick a spot. Like I said I have never hunted them so not sure what to look for in a perfect elk spot. Also we are looking to hike in and camp in the backcountry also wondering about how a guy could find someone with horses to maybe help pack the animal out there will just be two of us but would like to maybe hire someone to take an animal out so we can spend as much time hunting as possible instead of taking 2 days out of the hunt to haul quaters out.
Any and all elk hunting advice is appreciated like I said we are completly new to it and would love any and all advice.
Thanks in advance.
I've not hunted the Selway, but have heard that it is steep and brushy. I will say though, that if you are hauling out quarters on your back you're working too hard. I prefer to bone them completely if I am packing them. Good luck and have fun!
I've lost a day or more just trying to line up a packer and if pre-arrangements are made, you still gotta go out and get him. Even with a 2 mile pack out, I'll bone it out and do it myself. Two days packing out is a wonderful way to spend a hunting trip. ;)
I agree, boned out saves alot of weight, get some good meat bags some rope and a good frame pack this will save your back. As for finding Elk just get back in there as far as you can, get up to a high glassing point and try to find them. If there bugling stop ever so often and bugle to see if you can get one to answer. Don't be discouraged if your not seeing anything if your seeing droppings and fresh tracks stick it out they are there.
Do you plan on bow hunting or rifle hunting? I haven't hunted the Selway but I know it is a hot button location for over predation. I would recommend putting in for a controlled hunt. Go to the IDF&G web site and look up drawing odds and harvest information. There are no points so your odds are the same as everyone else from out of state. I think it costs 15 bucks that you don't get back if you don't draw. The web site has all of that info. Then if you don't draw use the otc tag as a fall back. As for horses it depends on the area. Most outfitters will help you out for a price and I know several ranchers where I hunt that will jump at the chance to play packer for a day and make a quick buck. If you draw an area outside the wilderness these guys are easier to find. Don't let the thought of packing in and camping outside a wilderness area keep you from putting in for a draw. Many of the draw areas are rugged and remote but just lack the wilderness designation.
That is true but if he is going to hunt here anyway he will have to buy the license.
Thanks for the advice guys I will probably be rifle hunting and as far as getting ahold of the packer I thought about using my SPOT to send a message with the gps coordinates where we were to him and having him come in and meet us. I put an ad on craigslist out there last night and already have a couple responses. Not against packing it out just thought it would be an easier way to stay in there deeper for longer. I have never been there so does anyone have any pics of the area i had herd it was steep but had never heard it was brushy.
Thanks again guys

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