I got to go out for the first time ice fishing. We used a very high teck bait. Whole kernal corn. Cheapest on the shelf.
Between my buddy and I, we pulled around 75 fish out and only kept these 10.
It was a great day, started out a little chilly, but warmed up to the point the surface ice turned to about an inch of slush.
Spent the whole day on the water in an ice shack, ate elk kielbasa's from one of the elk we got last year.
I saw one go cruise by under my hole that was about 3 feet long. I couldn't entice him to come back to taste the fine fair we were offering, all well, was a great day any way.
Between my buddy and I, we pulled around 75 fish out and only kept these 10.
It was a great day, started out a little chilly, but warmed up to the point the surface ice turned to about an inch of slush.
Spent the whole day on the water in an ice shack, ate elk kielbasa's from one of the elk we got last year.
I saw one go cruise by under my hole that was about 3 feet long. I couldn't entice him to come back to taste the fine fair we were offering, all well, was a great day any way.