I SUCK!!!!!


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
Want a bit of advice. Everytime I've went out looking for elk, I've only been moderately successful in finding them. However, I find a butt-load of deer and always see moose!!!! Am I looking too low? In areas with too much water??? What gives?

Well, since the season opens on Saturday, maybe I can change my luck. This'll be the first time I've hunted with my dad in over two years!!! That unto itself has made the season worth it! Thanks for any and all advice.
Sorry 1 pointer . I thought you were making an offer and I was going to tell JasonLee about it ;)

Somebody help the ex-flatlander out :D
The one time I hunted elk in the Wasatch, I couldn't leave camp without stumbling over moose. I saw them in the same country I saw elk in, but the elk were always bedded down in the thick stuff by the time it was light enough to hunt. (Or just about.) Good luck!
Get the best glasses you can afford, find a nice high spot and glass the south and west facing slopes in the early morning and the evening. Be where you want to watch from at first light in the morning and stay there until dark in the evening. You are watching for movement, color changes, parts of animals, unusual movement by deer, or anything else that seems extraordinary. If you only look for Elk, chances are you may miss some that you should see.

During mid day, watch water holes and the east facing slopes. Elk will bed in the shade usually. As the sun moves from east to west, they will get up and move around to the shade side of a slope. If it's really hot, they will go to water at midday.

If there are deep canyons around, look in the bottoms where it's cool. Elk don't like to get too hot.. They will pick out the edge of a snow bank to bed on rather than lie in the shade where it's dry. If the rut is still going on, listen very early in the morning for the bugling of the bulls without cows. Start in that direction while it's still dark and be close before the sun comes up. If Elk are pressured, they will move off and stay off until the pressure is gone. If there are hunters around and you don't see elk, move off to where there is water and no hunters. If you have a wilderness area that's generally where they will go. While you are walking around, be aware of the signs on the ground. Elk scat is easily identified when it's around. A mature Elk will drop somewhere between 2200 and 2600 pellets a day if feed is normal. With a herd of say 20 elk, that's 32000 elk pellets a day. Hard to hide that much elk shit... If you find tracks, and there are only one set, chances are it's a bull. If there are more than one set, it is usually cows and calves mixed together with a spike or raghorn thrown in.

Hope some of that works..

I coulda told you that you suck!!!! 1-pointer. HAHAHAHAHAHA Good luck with the hunting and enjoy spending time with your dad.
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