Huskers vs Mizzou...


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Omaha, NE
Ok...even though I'm a transplanted Missourian...I'm a definate Husker fan.
It all comes to a head this TH night...NE vs MU. NE has won something like 30+ over MO's 3 or 4 wins...but Mizzou's on a win streak against NE the past few years.
Pelini has the Huskers headed back in the right should be a great game...but I sure want to see the Huskers on top at the end of regulation...I've taken a lot of guff from my MO buddies the past few years! :eek:
I can't watch the game tonight (need to choose between Rockies-Phils this afternoon and this game, to keep productivity up ;) ), but my favorite teams are Colorado State, then Colorado, then anybody playing Nebraska. Go Tigers! ;)
OUCH guys!...lmao!
Oak...well, being you're in CO I'd expect that...:p
smalls...I know NE had 3-4 off years with bill callahan as coach...where were you from say...age 1 to 24? ;)
go HUSKERS--we are going to kick the chit out of the puttycats tomorrow---we are unappreciated at the moment due to Crapahan's inability as a head coach during his tenure, but duckhead you are right we are on our way back, becasue Bo Pelini can flat out coach----I feel very confident that we win the big 12 North--I also think we beat Okla and give Texas all they can handle and then some and maybe beat them also---so don't be surprised if it happens----chris
I've always liked Nebraska, except when they play UT...maybe they can beat Missouri now that Chase Daniels is gone....where was he from anyway?:D

Oak, you gonna watch your second favorite team Sat. nite?
smalls---crapahan was post Crouch-------where were you in the 90's??? NU won 3 championships('94,'95 & '97) and lost by 2 points for the championship in '93---in '01 we played for the championship also and heck I may have missed one in there---albeit from '02 on we've only had 2-10 win seasons where for 30 yrs 10 wins is what we avg per yr----I could go on and on, but I'm a couple of yrs older than you---chris
lmao...I love it all guys and appreciate ALL comments and observations. This is the kind of conversations that make time at camp around the fire priceless!
smalls...eric crouch and previous...and last!'re crackin me up buddy!
noharley...I hear ya!, CD was from Tx...right?...I like UTx...except when they play NE...go ahead, please...beat OK, MO, TxTech, OK State, KU, CO (oak) and MU...LOL!
shoots-straight...I family is from MO waaaaay slave owning time...but hell...when I moved to NE...Mizzou hadn't fielded a good football program since...well...when both of our ansestors settled there..then whoa!...they come out of know! we're probably both related to Will Money out of Missouri ;)
csutton7...hey you go buddy...I'm with ya all the way! have some ties to NE?

Damn...maybe we just need to have a Dec muzzleloader hunt down at the farm...enjoy some huntin', have some brews and enjoy some good discussions around the fire?
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Wet game...but the Huskers poured it all on at end of the 3rd and throughout 4th qtrs...absolutely shell shocked a tired/beaten up Mizzou team and drove it all home!
duckhead59--lived in Nebraska from the time I was 6 months old until almost 20--i lived and died HUSKER football---I grew up outside of Omaha, in a very small place called Kings Lake---worked on a ranch for a summer out in Purdum and hunted there with my dad for 2-3 yrs---but now I'm in SF, as you can see, but I still bleed red----my brother's are trying to get me to come back and hunt and soon I'll do it---where's your place in NE...and oh what a game, our defense is one tuff SOB.....chris
csutton7...wasnt that a great D showing!!! was glad to see offense kick in late 3rd and in the D is TUFF...and offense is improving...heck...Huskers are really only 1 end of game play vs VT from top just keep it going. I live out in west O...around boystown area. hunt various areas in NE and have a farm down in north Missouri, just north of chillicothe.

noharleyyet...yeah Suh is awesome isnt he?...hes definate nfl material...he decided to play sr yr instead of going in nfl draft last spring...said he wanted another yr under Pelini and w/NE. he is a lot like Jared, intense, dedicated...and all over the field! btw...chiefs trading JA to MN was probably one of the worst football mistakes ever
duckhead--somehow I missed you're still in NE, not sure why I thought you were elsewhere--guess my one brain cell was focused on something else----you're not to far from one of my bro's as he lives in Omaha off of Center close to 132nd and one of my other bros lives in Crescent, IA----well when I get back there I'll let you know and we can hook up for a beer or two--chris

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