Hunting Shows


New member
Apr 28, 2001
I've been watching some good hunting shows on t.v. lately..Some nice bucks, and bull have been killed that makes my triger finger start to ich

What I would like to know,, is,, don't these people ever gut-out the deer before they bring them out of the field?? I saw one show that the bow hunter got around to gut and skin his deer well after dark, and he killed it in the early afternoon

I don't know agout you guys,, but as soon as my deer hits the ground, his/her guts are soon to fallow..Sometimes they are still kicking

And another thing..Why in the hell do these people wear camo,when they are in a box blind, either on the ground or in a tree???

I guess its in the scrip

Somewhere along the line, Mossy Oak or RealTree is sponsoring most of these hunting shows.....with the ungulates, it doesn't make any difference what you are is motion that catches there eye.....(no pun intended)
If I have to take a deer a long ways I'll will always gut them out. If it 's a short distance I'll just wait till it's a better place. And somtimes I don't what to gut it in my honey hole.
Ya'll know that RoadKill is legal in Tennessee by act of State Legislation now abd it just isn't polite to leave the guts standin' there on the, most of these Tennessee folk take there meat home to "field dress"
Hmmm,,,Bumper back strap...I could see dragging a road kill off the side of the road to dress it,,and if your hunting over a food plot, to drag it out of it, back into the woods to dress it out,, but not back to camp...It must be an out west thing..Keep the guts out of the camp to keep the night critters away from camp

I don't gut in my spot. But they weight a lot less without all them internal organs, and blood. Easer to drag. Them guys on TV have 4 wheelers, and guides. The guides do all the work while the shooters make commercials.
I agree that most of those shows are ridiculous. I just finished watching a guy make a nice stalk on a muley buck in his suburban.

As for the camo, though, I can see why they would do that. I, personally, don't want to have to buy two of everything, so when I buy hunting clothes, they are usually camo. If you buy camo your hunting clothes are more versatile. You can wear them bowhunting, slap an orange vest over them for blackpowder or rifle, or even wear them in your box blind.
And, as someone else said, they are usually sponsored by a camo company.

The only thing that happens before the guts come out is picture taking. They sure wouldn't be taking an elk out whole!

What you said about elk makes sense.
dress em there on the spot.

But in the south, we genrally hunt smaller parcels of land than you do.
My family farm is about 1,000 acres.
We shoot between 35 and 50 deer per season off this place. If we dressed em on the spot there would be gut piles every and it would goof up later hunts. So we toss em in the truck whole and gut them at camp and dump all the guts and pieces parts in one pile 1/4 mile DOWNWIND of camp ....
.......that way we have a coyote bait pile for the slow days deer hunting

Call it a southern thang.

does that make more sense?

I suspect you are right about the guide doing all the dirty work on those shows while they shoot another commercial
I think I just saw the same show Oak. I just shook my head when I saw them drive right up to the edge of a coulee where they had seen the deer go. After dicking around and scaring every deer in the area, he shot a mediocre three point.

Another Montana $2,500 buck bites the dust.

Obviously the field dressing process is done differently in other parts of the country. I guess if a guy has a limited area to hunt he may want to haul off the deer before gutting, although I have killed and gutted deer near my stand just to see the same amount of deer the nest day. Of course I don't have any monsters on the wall, so you never know.

I do know if anyone up here saw me dragging a deer out of the woods with his guts still intact, they may put a bullet in me to get rid of the genetic trait.
JB,,That makes the most reasonable point I have heard yet..With the multiple limits,in most states down south I can see why you don't gut them on the spot

Oak,,Thats a good idea on the cammy..I'm going to have to try to talk the wife into letting me buy some for just hunting


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-13-2003 21:49: Message edited by: Hunterman ]</font>
On my place, I gut them on the spot. In Texas, the vultures will have the gut pile cleaned within 30 minutes. Last year, my brother-in-law killed his buck and we gutted him on the spot. The next weekend, I killed a buck in the exact same spot.
I don't think these guys on TV care too much where they gut their animal because I bet 99% of the time they don't eat anything but the backstraps. I don't know for a fact, but I bet the majority of the time the meat gets donated to a soup kitchen or somewhere. Who cares if it's a little gamey if you're going to give it away?

The first deer I ever killed wasn't 100 feet from the remains of a doe my Dad shot the morning before. I shot the biggest buck of my brief career while watching Dad gut a buck that he had just shot (complete with cussing and passing of gas, I might add). It doesn't seem to bother them too much, at least in my limited experience.

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