Caribou Gear

HSA April Mtg.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2011
Gallatin Valley, MT
OK all you Gallatin Valley sportsmen/women, here it is.....time to show up.

Headwaters Sportsmen Association Mtg April 28, 7PM, FWP Bldg. conference room.

I,m sure we'll see a whole slug a smilin' new faces.....:D
see attached agenda:

We are having a Headwaters Sportsmen’s Association meeting on Thursday, April 28th @ 7 pm at the FWP office (come in around the back). We will be discussing the final results from the 2011 legislative session. I will have a scorecard on how we did with the bills we weighed in on. We will be also talking about what needs to be done in the future so that we do not experience another nightmare legislative session like this one.

I have also asked Julie Cunningham, the area biologist, to attend and give us the latest elk numbers from her most recent flights. We need this data to help support good biological management of our elk herds. Personally, I think it is time we become more involved in the season/regulation setting process, both at the regional level and the FWP Commission level. In Nov./Dec. of this year, the Commission will be starting their biennial season setting process, so the timing is perfect for us to get involved.

It is important that we have as many people attend as possible. The efforts needed to be effective require the involvement of a lot of people.

Thanks for all calls and emails to the legislature this year. They really did have an impact.

Lawnboy, Drake4, Hem, Mdunc8, Mato, Buglum, Crittergitter......I'm sure Iv'e left at least a couple out, but man there's gonna be a whole buncha OYOA'ers from the Gallatin Valley at the meeting next Thursday.....................:D
I'm just glad you finally revealed your name.:D Are refreshments served at this meeting? I'll do anything for a doughnut.
Wish I could be there. I will be in Pittsburgh at the NRA convention. You guys will be in good hands.
Oops. You sure you don't want to bump it up to Wednesday? You're killing my hunting trip. We'll see what kinda mood I'm in next week. Not sure I can push it back two days.
I was hoping Randy was going so that I could go as his date. I trust him:)

dude, don't tell me you need to hold somebody's hand...........:p. I'm tellin ya, I'll bring you a donut! You'll be OK without Randy!

Honestly, we do need more Gallatin folks to join us.....we had a representative at a lot of legislative hearings this session and sent a buttload of communications to Helena during the circus. The more names and the bigger the number of Headwater's members, the more powerful our voice will be.
And besides that, you all will probably get to meet Vito.

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I'll try my best to make it. Just a plain ol glazed one will do. So what does it require financially to be part of Headwaters?


I'll try my best to make it. Just a plain ol glazed one will do. So what does it require financially to be part of Headwaters?



Hurts pretty far as I know, $10/year. Your donut will be there.

I'll make it a standing offer to any Gallatin area folks on here. Commit to showing up at the mtg. and join Headwaters - state your commitment and I will fulfill your choice of donut or donut type prize at the mtg next week. One per attendee, no other offers apply, must take delivery in person, not responsible for fights which may break out over goodies. Offer may expire at any time. See meeting for additional details.
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