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HR404 introduced. Hearing protection act


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Hope it gets through this time as it will eliminate the tax stamp cost. I just bought a new .22lr with threaded barrel to suppress and put a thermal on to erraticate any coon thinking it can dig under my electric fence around my orchard. I got 19 in September. The bill would make any FFL able to do the transfer.
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Never made sense to me to level such restrictive regulations on a sound reduction accessory. If someone can legally own the firearm, who cares about the accessories? Regulations centered around a Hollywood/Movie understanding of firearms, not actual physics, ballistics, and criminal science.
I wish. Senate democrats expanding gun rights and reducing taxes?

I hope it passes, I think the political climate due to market shifts for suppressors is better now that when a very similar bill was introduced in the 115th. Oddly the 115th had a way better make-up to get this passed, Buuuuuuuut.........[insert smart ass]

I hope it passes, I think the political climate due to market shifts for suppressors is better now that when a very similar bill was introduced in the 115th. Oddly the 115th had a way better make-up to get this passed, Buuuuuuuut.........[insert smart ass]

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Thats a neat talking point. But they didnt have a super majority in either body in congress. So they couldnt have done it alone without a few D votes.
I hope it passes but I’ve always wondered if this is something suppressor manufacturers want. Having them significantly easier to get would also lead to more competition and probably drive prices down cutting into the profits they see with the ridiculous prices they currently sell for
I hope it passes but I’ve always wondered if this is something suppressor manufacturers want. Having them significantly easier to get would also lead to more competition and probably drive prices down cutting into the profits they see with the ridiculous prices they currently sell for
I bet the manufacturing cost of a suppressor is REALLY inexpensive. mtmuley
I hope it passes but I’ve always wondered if this is something suppressor manufacturers want. Having them significantly easier to get would also lead to more competition and probably drive prices down cutting into the profits they see with the ridiculous prices they currently sell for
They need to come down in price, they get way too much for what they are.
Thats a neat talking point. But they didnt have a super majority in either body in congress. So they couldnt have done it alone without a few D votes.

True, but you can't build momentum when it never got a hearing or many co-sponsors. You'd figure all those A graded NRA reps would have at least co-signed. There's many more bills that are totally DOA that at least get both.
Suppressors get cheaper and "solvent traps" get more expensive when they become 80% suppressors.

I've just seen too often the politicos would rather fail and say they tried. They keep their NRA A+ and we get the shaft.
The most ironic thing about some of the nfa items (sbr, sbs, aow, and suppressors) is that it would not be a significant manufacturing challenge to make any of them - should someone choose to commit a very serious crime. If you are willing to use a gun in a serious crime in the first place - im not sure why those items in the nfa would matter at all to someone like that.

They are also not used much in crimes frkm the data im aware of - and i think that speaks to how limited use/benefit a lot of those items are to a criminal anyway.

Wish the shit was all repealed.
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