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How to work a lazy bull

I think he’s killed a lot 😂. You just gotta lip bawl them in man. Common!
I'm not talking about just crashing in there while crunching down a crinkly bag of chips, I mean don't be timid and go kill him. I think people are often times too timid and hesitant once they get close. That's all I'm saying.

Also, its always interesting to see somebody's credentials when they are giving advice.
I'm not talking about just crashing in there while crunching down a crinkly bag of chips, I mean don't be timid and go kill him. I think people are often times too timid and hesitant once they get close. That's all I'm saying.
I know, I just think it's funny to try and turn it into a measuring contest. Everyone has their methods, and there's a lot of camps that form when debate happens online....I've been around long enough to know Cgasner1 knows what he's talking about. I'm pretty green compared to a lot of guys on here, but have found some success calling. I try to stay neutral anymore, just offer up advice that's worked for me.
just offer up advice that's worked for me.

Yep that's about all I did too but there are a lot of very arrogant and opinionated members of this site that don't hesitate to show you how big their egos are which cgasner proudly did with his passive aggressive statements above.
Yep that's about all I did too but there are a lot of very arrogant and opinionated members of this site that don't hesitate to show you how big their egos are which cgasner proudly did with his passive aggressive statements above.
I prefer to hunt elk rather than look for them. Even if you manage to find that bull bedded in the timber and he is alone what are the odds you get into range of him without bumping him. Then you gotta hope he is bedded so you can get a shot. Usually they always seem to not be so now your sitting there inside archery range of a bull in his bed hoping he stands before the thermals get you. No thanks I’ll wait and make a play on him in a few hours when I have higher odds for success.
Use your eyes and ears more than your calls and you'll kill more bulls. Calls are one effective tool of many, but if you never have to use them and bulls never know you're there you'll increase your success 10X.
Great point. Less is definitely more!
What do you guys think about starting with cow calls instead?

A couple of cow calls, then locator bugle to find/locate one who responds.

Then get over as close as possible to where you think the bull is; cow call on the way over and keep moving so he doesn't pinpoint your location.

Once inside 150-100 yards, if the bull responds hit him with a round-up bugle or lip bawl. If you're solo, get a lane and throw the call.
I would not call on the way over. Don’t get me wrong, there are few things that are cooler that getting elk to talk to you. I would close the distance to 75-100 yards max and give him a lip bawl. Your calling in this instance needs to be spot on. Hopefully you are in a unit where you can have multiple set ups. See which of these tactics work. Not every situation is the same and not every bull is the same. Keep a log in your phone of these ideas and refer to them in the field so when you are left scratching your head to can look at them and get back after them. Make sure you write down which one worked and the conditions of the day. Hopefully you have many many years of elk hunting in front of you 🙏🏻
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One thing that has really helped me over the years is you need to live your life on elk time. The clock doesn’t matter other than being out of bed early enough. I wouldn’t consider these bulls lazy at all they are doing things all night long and napping and trying to get ready for the next 4 weeks. I’ve called in an absolute pile of elk but it’s just one tool. I prefer to just let the elk be elk and capitalize on their mistake.
Tons of great opinions on this thread. Even the ones that contradict each other are very good since it's based on your experiences in getting close. Thank you!

Do any of you guys notice an improvement in getting close with a decoy? Is it just a gimmick or a flag for a silly newb? Not the kind you shoot at, but the fabric kind from Montana Decoy that you could mount to your bow in case they are looking to confirm what they 'want' to see? Are the cow butts just as good as the face ones?
I hunt solo ALOT and found I spent more time going back for it and trying to place it and myself and the elk would move off before i could seal the deal if a guy had a caller and was working as a team would probably have had better results
Tons of great opinions on this thread. Even the ones that contradict each other are very good since it's based on your experiences in getting close. Thank you!

Do any of you guys notice an improvement in getting close with a decoy? Is it just a gimmick or a flag for a silly newb? Not the kind you shoot at, but the fabric kind from Montana Decoy that you could mount to your bow in case they are looking to confirm what they 'want' to see? Are the cow butts just as good as the face ones?

Maybe I’m overly cautious, but I’d be a little nervous carrying a deployed decoy on public land. I’ve called other hunters in and generally believe the limits of human stupidity know no bounds - giving them an elk visual could result in an arrow flinging your way in low light.
Realize a few weeks late but my experience with chuckles is he is saying come on over and join us. They know your there and you know where they're at. Charge in fast and set up playing the wind until you get eyes on the prize. Cow call once until you get a response to relocate if you can't find. They know you're there so noise is not a big factor.
Realize a few weeks late but my experience with chuckles is he is saying come on over and join us. They know your there and you know where they're at. Charge in fast and set up playing the wind until you get eyes on the prize. Cow call once until you get a response to relocate if you can't find. They know you're there so noise is not a big factor.
About 53 weeks late lol
every situation is completely different. a bugle with chuckles and then a further away bugle is likely a leave me alone which I just get really aggressive by closing the distance as fast as possible.
my experience when I locate a bull with a bugle is to cut the distance at least in 1/2 on any response including "lazy" bugle. I would go at him closer personally (id shoot for what you think is 100 yards) and obviously wind in your favor and if its a super distant bugle the 1/2 distance is good then another bugle). by this time its probably be 5-10 minutes location/terrain depending. look and listene 5-10 minutes... then soft cow calls.... no answer after 5-10 min sit still and look/glass increase loudness of elk calls and wait again... nothing id move even closer and repeat.... nothing? then I'd do a soft locater bugle. its not a race and "lazy bugles" are just that! could be bedded or just lazy.... now you got to a point where he moved.... id shut up and close the distance further than you think you should. sometimes elk just aren't interested but are curious and come in quiet... other elk may have already been messed with and just move away... I really like to get close and use cow calls on stubborn bulls because many times you bring in cows and bulls get pissed and eventually will follow them... I throw my calls behind and down wind for whatever that effort provides. or call and move ahead 30 yards and sit still.

my hunting time like most is very limited so I hunt all day taking my own breaks as needed... ive sat on so many bedded bulls over the years just to find they moved out quietly mid day... on the other hand ive called so many bulls off their beds I cant count...
Sneaking in on a potential herd of elk in a timber patch when all you heard was a bugle and don’t know how many eyes and ears or their exact location is a horrible idea. Has the makings of ya we got into some elk kinda story rather than a look at my grip and grin
With respect i have become part of many a herd while hunting and taking photos doing this.
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