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How to contact Congress

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Randy's sticky on the Sportsmens Issues sub-forum is locked, but it seemed like a good time to bring it back up to the top of the new post feed considering all that we have coming.

Here's the link to Randy's post excellent:

There has also been an excellent series of tweets compiled into an article about how to effectively contact your congressman, and make a difference. It was done by a former staffer to Jason Chaffetz (UT). It is well worth the read, and take to heart especially the note to call district offices in your state:

The world is run by those who show up.
Thanks, Ben. Just posted this video this morning - STAND AND FIGHT, or stand to lose!


Feel free to share.

We need to make public land issues the equivalent of radioactive nuclear waste to politicians. If they so much as look at a bill to sell/transfer our public lands or impair them in any manner, we need to kick their political teeth in, both at the Federal and State level. There is no more room for accommodation or compromise. The lines are drawn. I'm tired of defense. Expect a lot of offense in the coming year.
Agree and support a much more proactive campaign.
Jennifer Fielder recently was featured in a number of newspapers with a guest opinion entitled, Federal Land Transfer Makes Sense for States. I have expected but not seen a response to refute her skewed views.
I was hopeful that RMEF would respond with a widespread opposing opinion, but no response yet.

It would be effective to provide responses and informative facts and supported opinions anytime such views are expressed by Fielder or anyone in her transfer camp.
I contacted my Rep. Todd Young about H.R. 866 and H.R. 1484, and he responded by explaining that he values "National Parks" and "Wilderness", but that the west has too much land tied up federally and the state's are suffering economically as a result. He made it pretty clear (as clear as a politician ever will) that he intends to support H.R. 2316, which seems to be a forced joint management for state benefit proposal from how he described it. Haven't had a chance to check yet. We are in for a fight, and the bell has already rung. Please put on your gloves and start swinging.
Been out and about all day and came home to some water in the basement and I'm trying to catch up. Did they already have the hearing on H.R. 866 and H.R. 1484? If so, any update how it went? I'll pass the info along.
I hate to say I told you so but. I bet most people on this forum voted this problem in. Not me. I swallowed hard and voted for public lands. Already contacted my congressman before and they shot me down. I think I'll see how the majority of hunters who voted this mess in fix it. I tried but they won't listen to me I'm an "I" not a "R".
Trying not to be to much of an "A" Hole on this but elections have consequences as I once read. The political class see elections as full support for all of their crazy ideas and the truth is they are correct. Many people voted for President Elect Trump (note the respect given to the office) thinking what they needed was change and then turned around and voted the same old bunch of clowns into congress and theses clowns know that they have a free ticket to do what they want because many of us our too darn stupid and don't get it. THEY GET IT, they won and to the victors go the spoils. They also know if they do the dirty work quickly they will get voted right back in two years from now after we forgot what they did way back in the winter of 2016/17. We better hope the environmental lobby bails our sorry butts out of this one because our elected clowns know they will continue to get our support as gun owning sportsman.

I'll take the advice given and call my two senators field offices and my lone representatives office (she already announced she will not be running for re-election but will instead run for governor). But I still don't understand why I need to clean up everyone else's messes.

To close, at least we saved our guns, to bad we won't have a place to use them (sarcasm of course).
Trying not to be to much of an "A" Hole on this but elections have consequences as I once read. The political class see elections as full support for all of their crazy ideas and the truth is they are correct. Many people voted for President Elect Trump (note the respect given to the office) thinking what they needed was change and then turned around and voted the same old bunch of clowns into congress and theses clowns know that they have a free ticket to do what they want because many of us our too darn stupid and don't get it. THEY GET IT, they won and to the victors go the spoils. They also know if they do the dirty work quickly they will get voted right back in two years from now after we forgot what they did way back in the winter of 2016/17. We better hope the environmental lobby bails our sorry butts out of this one because our elected clowns know they will continue to get our support as gun owning sportsman.

I'll take the advice given and call my two senators field offices and my lone representatives office (she already announced she will not be running for re-election but will instead run for governor). But I still don't understand why I need to clean up everyone else's messes.

To close, at least we saved our guns, to bad we won't have a place to use them (sarcasm of course).

Great Post!!, couldn't agree more. I'll call every SOB who needs to be called and let them know exactly what I think, but dammit, didn't we just have a damn election and wasn't that the time to vote the SOB's who are our enemies and who we know are our enemies out of office? Didn't that witch Jennifer Fielder garner damn near 70% of the vote, is she all of a sudden going to say " boy those public land lovers are really pissed at me, guess I better fall in line with their line of thinking or else? or else what? She knows she's a shoe in for what ever office she desires in Montana and the Montana voters proved it, again. Still, I won't give up but it's getting real old trying to fix what we should have fixed Nov.8
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