How many days in a row can you give a hunt 100%?


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
Seems to me that when I have a long stretch of hunting time that there is a point where my enthusiasm definitely wanes. I think the Third day of hunting is my peak, in terms of awareness and alertness. After that I find I lose motivation.

I am amazed at some stories I hear about folks hunting for 14-21 days in a row to fill one tag. I wonder are they pacing themselves in the early days

What is your preference in Hunt Duration?
I couldn't do 14 days in a row. I'm too intertwined with everyday living to unplug for that long. I can handle about 5 days max. After about 3 - 4 my thoughts turn elsewhere, like heading for town for a beer and whatnot. Now I'm talking a backpack, tent and bare essentials type hunt. I could stay at the cabin or in a camper for weeks and hunt as I please.
Friend of mine spent 50+ days scouting this summer then spent 17 days straight hunting for sheep this fall.
cange of the area or other changes can add new things to the hunt,,,after about 7 days in 1 spot things do tend to get stale if thers no action,,,switch it up a little and remember you have till next year to start all over again.
Way too many variables. Solo hunting vs hunting with friends, are you seeing game but just being picky or going days without seeing anything? You can have a LOT of ups and downs that for sure can make you want to keep at it or give up regardless of how many days in a row you've been out. I've had hunts where I wanted to quit on day 2 and hunts where I didn't want to quit on day 5 and that has been on the same hunt.
Agree that there are lots of variables. Four days is about my max if alone, but if the action is hot then its not an issue. A full 7 days or more is no problem if 1 or 2 good hunting buddies along.
I once was on a hunt in Saskatchewan and sat in a box blind as wide as my shoulders and just barely above my head from dark till dark for 6 days straight and would have gladly spent another dustin said depends on how bad you want it....guess im retarted.....:cool:
I never get to test how long I can handle it...darn work! I've spent two weeks before and would think I could handle more.
This question is really asking for a measure of how much one likes to hunt and with how much conviction.

15 days is ideal for me. used to knock down 10-12 day hunts with no lost enthusiasm when had a cushier work schedule. When I had a premium AZ elk bow tag and a 12-day season, Showed up 3 days early, killed on the 7th day and stayed on till end helping another guy. Hunted harder than the guy who was still holding his tag the last few days and had a ball locating buglres late at night and before dawn right till the end.

A week is just warming up to it so when stuck having to pull out from a hunt after 4 days (twice this year) I was bumming.
I don't think there is a set in stone recipe. We all have down days, which can be brought on by a multitude of things. Weather, lack of sleep, missing family, frustration, etc.

Physically, I can be going as hard on day 7 as I did on day 1. It never hurts to have a lazy day if your schedule can accomodate it. If I'm on a 7 or 8 day hunt, there is no such thing. Ideally, I'd like to plan for a 12-14 day trip.

Perspective is a wonderful thing, and sometimes I have to remind myself how lucky I am to be able to spend time chasing animals with a bow and arrow. My life isn't hard. Wondering if you'll have food for your kids tomorrow is hard.


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i don't think there is a set in stone recipe. We all have down days, which can be brought on by a multitude of things. Weather, lack of sleep, missing family, frustration, etc.

Physically, i can be going as hard on day 7 as i did on day 1. It never hurts to have a lazy day if your schedule can accomodate it. If i'm on a 7 or 8 day hunt, there is no such thing. Ideally, i'd like to plan for a 12-14 day trip.

Perspective is a wonderful thing, and sometimes i have to remind myself how lucky i am to be able to spend time chasing animals with a bow and arrow. My life isn't hard. Wondering if you'll have food for your kids tomorrow is hard.

When I bowhunt out of state, I generally hunt for at least 14 days........often three weeks worth. The only exception would be wilderness (backpack) type hunts. I will usually do 7-11 day hunts on those depending on how much food I can pack.
Too many factors - it depends on what else is tugging at me. I had no problem doing 11 days last year although I did run home quick one night after Day 9 to take care of business. I have a leftover Limited Opp antlerless archery tag this year, with 24 days to hunt but have only been able to put in 3 because of work. It crushed me to leave because I was on them and it was just a matter of one cow or calf making one mistake. I'm headed up again tonight for the last 3 days of the hunt but they're probably still not vocal, so who knows if I can get back on them.

Friend of mine spent 50+ days scouting this summer then spent 17 days straight hunting for sheep this fall.
I call BS. :)

The friend part. Not that someone spent that many days on it.
On extended hunts, I'll take a morning off, or an evening. Just depends on weather and how tired I am. Also depends on the animal, some don't require you be up at the azz crack of dawn, others allow for mid day naps. After about 10 days I'm ready for a shower...

I think the longest I've done was 17 days. Hunted sheep with a friend, then hunted elk/deer for 10 days. Hunted every day but one. I got burned out and haven't done a hunt that long since. 8-10 days seems about right.