Hey Danr55


New member
Apr 28, 2001
Got a reload question for ya...I'm going to load up some 180 gr ammo for the .30-06.. I would like to load with IMR4831 just to keep things simple,and not have diffrent powders around( I get confused real easy :D ) Now looking in my Spear book the mid. range load is 56.5 grs.( the top is 58.5 grs at 2803 muz. vel) of powder to get 2679 muzzel vel. I'd like to get 2700..Would 57.5 grs get me there??

Oh yeah,,, I'm using CCI 250 Large Rifle Mag. primers

Tony, Without knowing any history on your rifle or the loads you've built for it and how they've performed, I would suggest that you start at about 55.0 grains and work up in 1/2 grain increments until you start seeing pressure signs. Build 5 round at each weight. When you determine the most accurate load, build 5 more loads in 0.2 grain increments up and down from that load. I usually go 3 or 4 loads in each direction unless the up side goes into the over pressure area. You should find one load that will touch the sweet spot. Don't be so concerned with velocity as with accuarcy. The down range difference with a 180 grain 30 cal bullet is not that great over 150 or 200 fps.

Just a question?

I've loaded a ton of imr4831 and 180's for the 30/06. I simply cant understand how the hell you can fit 58 grains of powder in the case.

I shoot 55.5 grains and its just barely not a compressed load, 56 is slightly compressed, 57 you need to hammer it in the case, 58 would be spilling onto the loading bench.

As for the original question, I'd worry more about accuracy and less about velocity, as Danr pointed out...thats great advice.

If you're only worried about velocity, you may want to try other powders or a 300 winchester.
I just checked my Nosler manual and it show 53.0 as minimum load and 57.0 as maximum load for the 30-06 and the 180 partition bullet. I usually load compressed loads for most of my heavy hitters... medium caliber rifles with heavy bullets... I find I get more consistant performance that way.. So.. press on.. I don't load a lot of 06 any more, but I'll look around and see if I can find the old red book with all of my pet loads in it.. I'll see what it says..

Well what do you know.. I turned around and opened the drawer where it was supposed to be and there it was... but..............The Red Book doesn't have any loads for IMR 4831.. all is shows is IMR 4350 at 54.5 grains.. shows it in several rifles for several people.. So... Let me know how your load works..

Tony, I agree with the other guys that a little velocity doesn't make a whole lot of difference in the real world. But, 2700 fps is a reasonable goal for a 180 grain bullet out of a 30-06. I have an older Speer book which shows the powder charges and velocities you listed, and I have a newer issue (#13) and the maximum velocity it shows is quite a bit lower. It shows 59.0 grains of IMR 4831 giving 2684 fps. Like Buzz was saying, fitting that much powder in the case may be a challenge. If you really want 2700 fps, you might try H4350. I use 56.5 grains of H4350 with 180 grain bullets. Haven't chronographed them yet, but it ought to be 2700 or not far from it.