Hello. New to Texas

Glenn M

New member
Aug 5, 2023
I am new to Texas. I moved here two years ago to be with my son. I am wanting to show him some hunting opportunities like I did with my dad. However, I have never hunted fowl of any kind. But I am super excited to try. I bought a shot gun for him and me and we are looking to learn and grow in this area. I am excited to read and learn from ya'll (Getting my Texas drawl going here to fit in, LOL)
Welcome to HuntTalk! You should look into the Texas Youth Hunting Program for your son. They provide a lot of really neat hunting opportunities for youth and they usually only charge a 100 dollar fee per hunt to cover food costs and other costs. If your son still has a few years ahead of him before he reaches the age of 18, y'all should be able to go on some cool hunts and make some good memories with TYHP. I'm 18 now so I cant participate anymore, but I was able to bowhunt the Hagerman NWR through TYHP. This NWR has produced some really big bucks and one of the state record bucks with a bow came from there. Also, the TPWD draw hunts has some good opportunity for youth that are completely free to apply for, so you should check that out too!
^^^ Link to TYHP website
Welcome from Central Texas! What part of Texas are you in? The youth hunting program mentioned above is fantastic. I'm not sure about waterfowl hunting through the program, but I have volunteered on whitetail hunts and they're great! I would encourage you to to look into some of the drawn hunts from TPWD, as some great waterfowl hunts can be drawn.
Welcome to the site partner.

I'm not a huge contributor here, and I don't have waterfowl opportunities, but I do have a nice bowhunting only ranch in west Texas that's loaded with turkeys and axis deer if you get a cravin' to experience that.

Welcome from central Texas. What part are you in. Might be able to help you with some bird hunting.
Welcome! I’m eager to get my little guy out once he’s of age, the best memories we keep for a lifetime.
Welcome to HT and I hope you're able to find hunting opportunities with your son.
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