Just a PSA. I know better and have been first aid certified for the last 25 years. Don’t mess with heat stoke, stay hydrated and take breaks. Yesterday it was almost a hundred degrees here and I did tree work from 7 to 3. I was drinking water but water alone will not keep you hydrated. Keep some powered or supplement around to mix with every couple bottles of water. Declining fast we were on the way home and had some vehicle troubles. In a truck with no ac I was going down fast. Did everything I could to stay cool but it was a rough battle for a couple hours. Finally made it home and got an at home IV company to come by. 24 hours later I am starting to feel back to normal.
Stay hydrated with more than just water and take your breaks everyone. It’s not worth the risk.
Stay hydrated with more than just water and take your breaks everyone. It’s not worth the risk.