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Has Dubya Forgotten About September 11???


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
I guess the "War on Terrorism" is only important if it involves invading other countries. :rolleyes: Protecting the Homeland just doesn't seem that important....


Bush’s FY05 budget slashes $1 billion in funding for homeland security and bioterrorism grants. The Bush budget cuts $937 million from homeland security formula grants nationwide. These grants provide police, firefighters and emergency management teams with the training and equipment they need to keep communities safe. It also cuts $105 million from the Centers on Disease Control’s state and local capacity bioterrorism grants, which fund needed improvements in public health and medical infrastructure statewide. [FFIS, 2/04]

Bush is Letting Many Homeland Security Needs Fall Through the Cracks. More than two years after the 9/11 attacks, serious gaps exist in the Bush administration’s attempts to defend America against terrorism:

· Emergency Response to Public Health Threats: The Department of Homeland Security is cutting by 80 percent ($40 million) funds for its program to ready local emergency responses to public health crises. The program, the Metropolitan Medical Response System run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, plays a “significant role in [federal] mass casualty planning.” [CQ, 1/2/04]
· Cargo Containers: Only 2% of the 7 million cargo containers arriving at the nation’s 361 commercial ports each year are screened. [Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 7/10/03; Portland Press Herald, 7/5/03]

· Airline Screeners: The Transportation Security Administration’s airport screening force will be cut by 6,000 screeners, about 11%, because GOP says TSA “over hired.” [AP, 4/30/03]

· Chemical Plants: The Government Accounting Office report found that even though US chemical facilities were “attractive targets for terrorists,” there was no government oversight to assure that plants are safe from terrorist attack. In addition, Bush has declined to push for accountability from chemical companies. According to the Richmond Times Dispatch, the EPA “backed down” from using its regulatory power to oversee plant security “after the industry balked.” [GAO, Voluntary Initiatives Are Under Way at Chemical Facilities, but the Extent of Security Preparedness Is Unknown, March 2003]

· Police Equipment: The non-partisan Council on Foreign Relations criticized homeland security preparedness in a 2003 report, stating, “Many police departments lack adequate detection and personal protective equipment and training for responding to chemical, biological, or radiological incidents.” [Independent Task Force, Council on Foreign Relations, 7/29/03]
And just one of Kerry's solutions to this failing of Dubya's...

Ending the Cop Crunch. Even before 9/11, many cities were having trouble recruiting police officers as fast as they were losing them. President Bush made this problem even worse by cutting the Federal COPs program. As a result, police officers receive fewer resources to double up on duty, doing their normal responsibilities as well as focusing on homeland security. Americans shouldn't have to face rising crime in their communities to fight the war on terrorism. John Kerry believes we should restore funding to COPS to realize its initial mission of 100,000 new police officers.
Here's my solution - grant CCWs to qualified civilians in every State. It will cost much less and reduce crime significantly. It will do more than 100,000 new cops who admit that they cannot protect us and are hard-pressed to catch the criminals who prey upon us.
A suicide bomber with explosives packed under his coat will blow you up whether you have a gun on your hip or not.

It is doubtful that Dubya would follow through with the funding to determine the "qualified civilians" to grant the CCW's. So then what would you do? The whole problem is Dubya talks like he is going to work on Homeland security, and then he pulls back the funding.

Israel, I believe, still allows their citizens to take their weapons home from their "Guard" weekends, and they are the vicitims of more terrorist activities than any country.
Hey, here's a paraphrased quote from Gen. Patton:

Nobody ever won a war by taking care of their wounded. You win wars by making the other SOB take care of their wounded.

Bush's summary said this about one of several aspects of Homeland Security on 3/2.

"The Federal Government has provided more than $13 billion to equip and train local officials such as firefighters, police officers, and EMS workers to respond to terrorism and other emergencies and created a National Incident Management system. Over 500,000 responders have been trained in weapons of mass destruction awareness and response since September 11, 2001."

Bush has done an outstanding job, he recognized and declared war on terror and has achieved a lot to that end.

Kerry seems more like a protestor, he consistently has voted down defense, and now he's complaining. You think he has any chance of coming up with anything to help? If so, what?
So Bush spends too much and is building up a huge deficit. Then he cuts spending and you complain. :rolleyes: Why not just admit that you do not have any agenda other than bashing the President?

Issuing CCWs is a State issue - the State should spend the money on it. Aren't you a States' Rights advocate?
Darn it Cali!! Now you know the Liberal agenda is to tax and spend!! If you don't do both at the same time, how the heck you ever going to break the nation and get rid of the evil rich people?? :eek:
Originally posted by Tom:

Bush has done an outstanding job, he recognized and declared war on terror and has achieved a lot to that end.
S'pose the clue of two collapsing 100+ story buildings helped him recognize the issue???
"As a result, police officers receive fewer resources to double up on duty, doing their normal responsibilities as well as focusing on homeland security." What kind of liberal bull shit is that? Man you really are eaten up with it! :mad: When is the last time you gave yourself the opportunity to think for yourself Elkgunner?? How long have you been under the spell of your Liberal idols?? Homeland securityis the business and responsibility of the police force. Wake up and get a whiff of the stuff you are shoveling man! :eek:

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