
Has anyone here ever been skydiving?


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
It's a concept that always fascinated me/scared the hell out of me. Do you have to do a lot of training and preparation stuff? And just how difficult is it to actually make that leap of faith? Whenever I see films of skydiving events, I always think that it would be great to do. Everything is just so staggeringly pretty from way up there.
Hey Dude,

Come down to our neck of the woods, they have a deal where you can go tandem.
They do a quick ground school and then take you up and push you out.

My wife did it a few years back. I was about as comfortable a lie.
It scared the crap outta me and I wasnt the one going!
I just cant get passed jumping out of a good airplane
I always try to do something differant for my wifes birthday, she did a bungeejump/sailplane/ and 2 years ago i took her to Camp Verde Az and for 2 hundred bucks she jumps out at 10,000 ft with some good looking dude strapped to her ass.[jumpmaster] and they even video taped it.... she loved it.... if your wondering the just do it.
A co-worker of mine did it a few months ago and he said it was a blast. Much like JB said, you have to watch a video and sign a bunch of papers releasing them of any 'fault' if anything should happen. If I remember right, he went up to about 10,000 ft and ended up free falling for about 45 seconds. He lived to see another day and said it was well worth it!!
Forget the step out of the plane, all I can think of is hitting the ground. Even if it goes completely right, that jolt has got to be harsh. (Maybe I'm just thinking that way cause I've got a bum wing at the moment. :D)
Don't get me wrong. I think it is fascinating and always wondered what it would really be like. I don't think it is anyting that I would actually do though.
My feet seem to like their hold on the ground. A tree stand is about as high up in the air as they tend to let me go...
I think the view would be totally awesome, but the long free fall drop and sudden stop at the end would be the chits...
I'm sure my feet wouldn't appreciate me after that...
Let me know if you really want to go, maybe next fall some time and I'll jump with you. :)
I will be doing that this spring once the snow melts. Was to do it last summer but the guys I was going with backed out. The first is a tandem jump for a couple of hundred bucks. Once you get trained subsequent tandem's are only $50 or $60. I would like to be certified to jump solo.
My rule used to always be: "if the pilot was jumping out then maybe I would consider jumping also but otherwise I was staying put". Anyway my wife and I went to Arizona three years ago and one of the activities at the resort we were staying at was sky diving. I worked my courage up the night before with a whole bottle of crown royal. Went up and jumped out, MAN WHAT A RUSH!!!. We did the tandem thing and it was really fun and not scary at all.

Elkie.....all my HALO jumps were more "skypraying" than "sky diving".....I think like JohnSWA now! Not worth having your ankles in casts for hunting season, but with the new equipment, and no gear, you have a much softer landing.....If you want a rush....try bow hunting griz!
My son, David, is a jump master. He has thrown lots and lots of tandums. I go and watch and wonder why anyone would want to do that. Dave loves it and would be doing it for a living if there were enought traffic in Nampa, Id. Every rider he has taken that I have talked to loved it. It is a rush I guess but not my idea of a good time. I'll sit on mother earth and watch with a cold beer.
One day, some day, chasing griz critters with a stick flicker would be a rush I will experience also..... :D
Hi, Im Dave.Ive thrown a few tandems.Ive been trying to talk my father into it for years.Little dont get the sensation of falling and the scariest part is the anticipation.Ive never had anyone that was not extremley excited about the whole fact it is one of the safest sports in the world.just think about it how many times in your life can you truly say ive got two chances.if anyone has any more questions ask my father he can give you my # Dave Carson D-27941

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