
Guest suggestion


New member
Mar 22, 2016
I've recently been turned on to your podcast from listening to the Gritty Bowmen podcast regarding a public lands podcast they did where they recommended listening to your takes on the subject. I've downloaded and listened to a few of your podcasts and have really enjoyed them. I'm relatively new to hunting as an adult. I hunted with my dad when I was a kid but fell out of it as I got older because frankly I didn't enjoy it that much with my dad and I viewed Oregon's hunting regs to be kind a pain. I've been interested in bow hunting for a few years and finally got serious about it after meeting some new friends that are avid hunters. I've since purchased a bow and have begun the task of preparing for deer season. Enough about me and on to my guest suggestion. through my research on hunting and being able to listen to a lot of podcasts due to the nature of my work, I've heard a few interviews with Cameron Hanes. I suggest him as a guest somewhat selfishly because he is from Oregon and has written books on hunting Blacktail (which I intend on chasing this fall). The other thing that intrigues me about him is his infusion of fitness into hunting. He's been a great interview on previous shows I've heard him on and I think with your vast knowledge and his prospective on hunting it could be a very imformative podcast. Not to get off topic too much, but I do appreciate your knowledge and prospective regarding public lands, as my political leanings had me more of the mindset of getting them out of the feds hands before listening to folks like you and Ty Stubblefield who have informed me on the issue. I have since changed my mindset on the issue and look forward to trying to get involved more in the process, either through my time or my wallet. Thank you.

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