Greater Yellowstone Coalition Director is a poacher

Glad they busted this guy. Now hopefully they can keep him from doing it again and again.

What people get out of shooting animals and leaving them waste is far beyond me and really fires me up.
These penalties need to be a hell of a lot higher to make people without ethics realize it is not worth it. What goes through the mind of a person to just kill wildlife and waste it?

There are non-consumptive advocates that rant about hunters all being blood thirsty killers. Well, here is one of their own (edit: conservation advocate), killing just to kill. You probably wont see this article circulating their networks.
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There are non-consumptive advocates that rant about hunters all being blood thirsty killers. Well, here is one of their own, killing just to kill. You probably wont see this article circulating their networks.

To be fair, GYC is decidedly pro-hunting. They've taken a lot of heat from the left for supporting wolf hunting & most of the folks I know that work or worked there all hunt or gladly eat game meat.
These penalties need to be a hell of a lot higher to make people without ethics realize it is not worth it. What goes through the mind of a person to just kill wildlife and waste it?

Marv was a very high profile and effective, if not abrasive, fish/wildlife advocate in SE Idaho and he just destroyed a career he spent decades working on. He also set back his cause big time, and I'm sure a lot of bad people are delighted about that. Any fines or jail pale in comparison to that. I don't know what he was thinking, but as soon as he took a second shot at a different target he pretty much sealed his fate. Inexcusable.
The only sure way to be 100% positive you get your elk is to knock down a couple. No wonder success rates are so low. Suckers.
This is the crap I ranted about regarding sula. This man knew better but made the repeated decision to break the law because the risk/reward ratio was worth it to him. 5k in fines and a handful of cs hours for that is bull. This candy ass judicial system we employee is why we continue to have problems in all aspects, no ramifications.
To be fair, GYC is decidedly pro-hunting. They've taken a lot of heat from the left for supporting wolf hunting & most of the folks I know that work or worked there all hunt or gladly eat game meat.

Thank you Ben, I should have worded that differently (misplaced modifier, or in this case, absent - I'll edit that), to designate "conservation advocate" for the later group. I know GYC staff, past and present, from MT and WY, that are hunters.

There are far too many prejudices between all the groups that need to be broken down. There are examples of crappy ethics among all walks of life and thankfully, there are some outstanding examples as well. No one "group" holds a monopoly on either.

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