Grangeville ID whitetail questions


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Have plans on hunting around Couer d'alene, but want to look at something a little closer to cut my costs some.
Trying to find out about the Grangeville area, access, hunting pressure, and of course odds of getting a decent buck, or any buck for that matter.
My main concern is my dad is getting up in age and is also on oxygen, so walking any kind of demanding terrain is pretty much out. Is there a fair amount of roads to drive/walk? Clearcuts? I don't know what the terrain is like so i have no idea.
My dad lives in Idaho but myself and my son would be coming from NV, so costs are a consideration.
Thanks for any help!
I've hunted the Blacktail Butte area outside of Grangeville during archery elk season. There is a decent size pack of wolves that runs the area, so the ungulate population is not what it used to be, but still plenty of good hunting. I've seen some nice whitetails down there, and killed some good bulls down there during archery. It's worth hunting there if it saves you some time. I haven't hunted it for close to 5 years now, but still have some buddies who hunt close to there and they do fine on deer and elk.
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My experience in that country is much what Rocky said. There are a lot of road hunters in most of North Idaho. (mostly guys just looking for any deer to fill the freezer) Nice thing is most of that country is fairly thick timber, so get behind the gates and off the main roads, and you generally are pretty much by yourself. Lots of good country down there though.
Yep lots of road hunters but those are mainly just the out of staters. It is Granville after all and no one drives anywhere without at least one gun or a fishing pole their rig at all times.:D
Not sure if you have a boat or not but there is some really good boat-in Whitetail hunting around Dworshak Reservoir.
Quite a bit of state land, IIRC, up that way as well. Similarly, the couple times I've been up there I haven't had any trouble getting permission on private lands just for the asking. And that was with Utah plates...
NVHunter2, be glad to help you out if you want to look at the Clearwater country/Orofino/Dworshak Res. Let me know and we can talk. Lots of deer, flat to straight up and down, lots of public lands. I can point you towards someplace that would work for you.
Not sure if you have a boat or not but there is some really good boat-in Whitetail hunting around Dworshak Reservoir.
I have a boat and this will be my first year wt. Hunting in that area. Could you point me in the right direction?
Not all shoreline of the reservoir is the same unit and thus some different season lengths
Deer numbers are currently good most everywhere in Clearwater country and access is good outside ag lands. National forest and private timber lands - millions of acres open to hunting, hike a mile and crowds will disappear. Never have done a cast and blast hunt and fish on Dworshak, friends say it's fun too. Early in the season easy to tag any deer. Late season is when the big bucks show.

West of Grangeville is the Craig Mtn area, unit 11, think there are still non res tags available.

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