Gov't Seeks End to Gray Wolf Protection

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
I saw this a couple day's ago.
I am surprised that we haven't gotten more responce for this topic.
It wasn't unheard of just a year or so ago to have a ton of posts behind one of these topics....
"The National Wildlife Federation criticized the plan as shortsighted because it means the federal government won't be involved in any efforts to reintroduce the wolf in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York, which the group says have suitable habitat. Norton said any reintroduction there would be up to the states themselves. "

(The National Wildlife Federation)criticized it?
They sure dont want the States to decide whats best for themselves.
My guess is they have more support from out of staters for bring in predators and they know if left up to each state they dont have that support.

I have been hearing some concern from hunters in my area about The National Wildlife Fereration and there backing of the predator issues .

"He and a few others have been telling us wolves will NEVER BE DELISTED. We're getting closer to that everyday."

Many of us said we felt the treehuggers would do everything in there power to stop it from happening and it would not come about as easy or in the timeline we were all told it would.
I think that has proven to be correct.

Talk is cheap------just look around sportsmans issues.

:D :D
"MD, Why don't you go back to California? You seem to think all that development is a good thing. Creates jobs, you know."

Ithaca ,Bite Me !!

I must of pissed off the poster boy for the greenies again judging from that statment.
How does that relate to the wolf issues?
Re:Ithica37. He can't seem to come up with many thoughts of his own! When he does, he seems to get personal, and exhibits a holier than thou attitude.
lefty, look on a map and find out for yourself. You must not know anything about shotguns.

Are hunters hurting their cause when they rant and rave about wolves? Here's letters in today's paper:

Letters to the Editor

Edition Date: 07-20-2004
Wolves are majestic

Your article on hunters leading the anti-wolf movement outraged me (June 20). The hunters say that they want to lower the wolf population in order to save the elk population, when in reality they only want to save the elk so that they can kill them in their "cherished hunting experience."

Before we settled in Idaho, wolves and elk were living together just fine. Humans interfered and caused the elk population to drop. Now we're trying to kick out the species that was here first? I don't think so.

I may be only 14, but I do know this: Warren Johns says that wolves are no better than coyotes and should be treated accordingly. He's wrong. Wolves are majestic animals that care for their young as much as we do. They are only doing what comes naturally. Warren Johns is basically saying that we can kill animals, but animals can't kill other animals for the same purpose.

I finish with this: You often see bumper stickers that state "Save an elk, kill a wolf." Recently I saw one that made more sense. It said "Save a wolf, kill a hunter."

Jessie Swider, Meridian

A little weird

I just finished reading the article in the June 20 paper about the avid hunters who want to get rid of the wolves. It's very hard to be sympathetic to their cause. Am I right in understanding that they are upset because the wolves are killing the elk so they can't?

Anybody who can look so forward to killing something that they are mad when nature takes its course are more than a little weird as far as I'm concerned. It's kind of creepy.

Beccie Hackett, Boise
MD4M, "I have been hearing some concern from hunters in my area about The National Wildlife Fereration and there backing of the predator issues ."

The best hunters I know understand the issue and are more concerned about idiots that don't than they are about wolves. Good hunters know how to take advantage of wolves to make themselves more successful hunters. Fatass ATV riding road hunters don't get game and blame the wolves for it. :D If you know how to hunt, wolves aren't a problem.
Ithaca- :cool: (Not being a smart-ass here just curious) You mention that "Good hunters know how to take advantage of wolves to make themselves more successful hunters". Since I've never lived nor hunted in an area such as that how does this work?
Are you saying that areas with active wolf populations cause elk to congregate elsewhere or is it the opposite- since elk are the food source (from what others are saying)if you find the wolves, you'll find the elk?

Just wondering as I have never heard this side of the story :confused:
I personally don't think it will be long and the Feds will be washing their hands of this and letting the states do their own buisness....
Other states were told it is to their own choosing if they want to bring them back or not, there are so many around now that they don't even want to bother with it....
I suppose the political statement has been made. They brought the wolves down, didn't matter what the arguments against were, now that they are here to stay, these people can move onto new things.
If the Feds want to get into any thing, they should reintroduce Buffalo to all of the FS ground that the Buffalo are native to. It can be done very easily and that would remove the ranchers from this ground at the same time giveing us all another resouce to chase around the mountains...
Per acre, it is projected that it would bring in more than the leased land does, just by what hunters will be paying for their animals....
Marv, I'll have to think a little about whether or not to start educating hunters about how to use the wolves. Kinda like not telling people here how to track birds thru the air. I gotta keep a few secrets for myself.

But it should be obvious that the elk are changing habits to make themselves less vulnerable. How would they do that? This would be a good topic for the elk section. Probably I'll start it up there in a few days when I get some time.
Ithaca, I didnt say these guys arent getting game,and I didnt say anything about these hunters owning ATV's.
I was at an archery shoot talking to archers not at an ATV rally talking to
the ATV groups.

It's statemants like that that are helping the anti-hunter by protraying other hunters in a bad light when you have NO CLUE about how these guys hunt.

I said they are concerned about how the National Wildlife Federation is a big supporter of bring back predator's and they are concerned about the other groups that are affilitated with them.
They are concerned about the effects wolves are having on game herd's and what the future will bring.

Your choice of letters to post in support of your side brings up some great point's about where you are stand on these issues, Ithaca.
MD, "I said they are concerned about how the National Wildlife Federation is a big supporter of bring back predator's and they are concerned about the other groups that are affilitated with them.
They are concerned about the effects wolves are having on game herd's and what the future will bring."

So they're "concerned"! Big deal. I suspect most of the people you talk to don't know any more than you do, so my only "concern" is that they're spreading as much BS misinformation as you do.

Well, I've been talking to hunters and they're concerned about the effects dingbat fatassed ATV riding slobs who call themselves hunters are having on the public's perception of hunting.

[ 07-20-2004, 14:06: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]
God it must be great to be an arrogant, condescending, know it all like Ithica, who can only resort to attacking others to create a smokescreen to cover his misguided rantings!

Prove to everyone how "sharp" you are and expose Ithaca and his "misguided rantings".

This should be good.

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