Got my own land!!!


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2009
South East Colorado
I just bought a piece of property here in Colorado. It's only 46.26 acres of pasture land, but I can put some work into it with small food plots and haul some water into it and groom it for hunting deer. I know it's not alot, but it's mine and I'm happy about it!!!
congratulations, In the future you will learn of all the ups and downs of being a landowner. Have pride in your little place of heaven and always be a good steward of the land.
Congrats John. At least it is yours.
Wife and I bought a sliver of Oregon property three years ago, dragged dad and moms little 15ft camp trailer to it and built a huge snow roof over it. It's ours, its paid for, but only 25X100 foot (mining claim lot) but what a view! Completely off the grid, so no power, phone, cell service, nada, nothing. We spent a four day weekend last hiking, picking huckleberries, wild raspberries, and strawberries for breakfast.
Congrats. I hope you don't ever take offence when people start bashing the "land owner" on here....I figure it is mostly out of frustration from the challenge of the hunt. Just take good care of it and enjoy it.
Right now it's pasture land with hay growing on it that needs to be shopped and bailed. There's an irrigation ditch on the north border and a creek on the east border with a small bit of woods in the NW corner. I figure I'll put a couple tubs of water in a couple spots and put some trail cameras out and see what's coming in. When I can buy a 4 wheeler I'll disk up a couple acre plots and plant food plots. It doesn't look like alot now, but I'm looking more at the potential down the road with some good old hard work. I'll park my camper on it for now and set up a shooting range in the mean time.
Congrats John! I hope to do the same someday here in MT, we'll see prices are crazy but hey it'll be worth when I make it happen. Where at in CO if you don't me askin? I work around CO every so often so just wondering...if I ever get in your neck of the woods.
In Crowley County in the outskirts of a town called Ordway near hiway 71

Okay, I have been in that area a few times. It has been a couple years now I suppose. We did some work in La Junta, Rocky Ford area. If I ever get down that way again I'll have to buy you beer.

Again congrats on the land. Hope it all works as you have planned.
John, have you checked into a well permit or thought about getting your own water? I know it used to be like pulling teeth to do so in CO, and the way the aquifers have been drawn down there's no reason to think it's gotten any better. You didn't mention this the other day or we would have gone out to have a look; it's always great to be able to kick up your own dust.

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