Got my 2019 Elk back - Guess the score

Sure is a pretty bull with those blonde patches are unique. Nice work, gotta story to go with him?

Shit yeah I remember reading that. That's an awesome encounter nice work.
I got my mount back earlier this week. Very happy with the work that Tru-Life Taxidermy in Laurel, MT did. Here are some pictures to show it off, and for fun - Let's play, guess the score. I will post up the official measurements after some guess have been submitted.

A couple of other interesting tidbits - This bull has an odd blonde streak on his face. The taxidermist believes it is an old scar that healed up and the hair color never returned, said he had never seen anything like it in is 20+ years. Also, his cape was full of old shotgun pellets. Being a public land elk, I would guess endless ideas as to how he ended up with pellets in his hide!!
My guess would probably fall in the 340's. Also, as a hobby taxidermist, I can say I am not a fan of that form. Is it me or the pics that make his neck way too long and skinny...? Beautiful bull and cape! Just my opinion obviously but that form does not do that great bull justice.
Super nice bull and sweet looking mount! Can we guess on the shotgun pellets origin too? I'll say drunk idiots at night peppered his hide from the bed of a truck.
Awesome bull. I would have guessed 340s myself. I remember reading your original write up. It sucks you needed to remove the photos and videos. I’m not sure where the glory comes from in dissecting someone’s photos to attempt to move in on them.
Awesome bull. I would have guessed 340s myself. I remember reading your original write up. It sucks you needed to remove the photos and videos. I’m not sure where the glory comes from in dissecting someone’s photos to attempt to move in on them.

It was a sad realization for me too. I understand if I posted pictures of an elk with some giant mountain range in the backdrop or some very easily identifiable point, that it would likely be discovered where this elk was killed. It's all speculation how they discovered the location, but here is what I learned... You can use the metadata from photo's to learn a persons name, gps location (depends on your phone settings or camera), date and time of the photo. With that info you can then typically find Facebook, linkedin, youtube etc... then with enough "tips" you can start searching maps to try and figure it all out and align locations with the story... To me it is very sad that someone would go to that great length to find a location, but then again I have heard Rand Newberg talk about people getting info from his hunt through "freedom of information". Sad day... but definitely turn off your phone location info on your photo's before you ever text them out to friends or you might find out that you just sent them the GPS coordinates.
I was gonna guess 335 but either way it is a great bull and I would gladly shoot him. lol
It was a sad realization for me too. I understand if I posted pictures of an elk with some giant mountain range in the backdrop or some very easily identifiable point, that it would likely be discovered where this elk was killed. It's all speculation how they discovered the location, but here is what I learned... You can use the metadata from photo's to learn a persons name, gps location (depends on your phone settings or camera), date and time of the photo. With that info you can then typically find Facebook, linkedin, youtube etc... then with enough "tips" you can start searching maps to try and figure it all out and align locations with the story... To me it is very sad that someone would go to that great length to find a location, but then again I have heard Rand Newberg talk about people getting info from his hunt through "freedom of information". Sad day... but definitely turn off your phone location info on your photo's before you ever text them out to friends or you might find out that you just sent them the GPS coordinates.

The surest way to protect you're hunting spots is to not talk about kills and show photos of kills. That's what me and my friends do.
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