I have a bear tag. The season started in August. Deer rifle season starts this Saturday. I purchased my first one but I know I've got a lot of competition. Of coarse, if I'm successful I'll probably never hunt deer with a bow again, but we'll see. My plan is to go in to a spot the night before where I've seen a lot of deer. It's about 1 to 1.5 miles in. I'd set up a bivy and hang out up high in an old clear cut and wait until the next morning when I'm legal. I figure if anyone asked me why I'm going in a day early I'm legal since I have a bear tag. I wont load my rifle until shooting hours on opening day. Anyone think this is a bad idea? The moon will still be quite full that night so I think My best chance is right at day break, plus they'll be nocturnal and I'll spook em going in in the middle of the night.