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Gallatin WMA spring closure


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2023
Montana FWP is considering closure of this area until june 15. Public comments can be submitted until March 25. Relevant quotes from link below:

"This Wildlife Management Area because of where it's located sees a lot of recreational traffic so hiking, dog walking, horseback riding and a number of other recreational activities,” Jacobsen explained. “And a lot of that recreation happens in proximity to the calving season. And so, in an effort to protect and provide that habitat and to minimize the recreational impacts, there's a proposal that is currently out for public comment to extend that closure to June 15th"

“Some of the impacts that we've seen from recreation in this wildlife management area in particular includes a network of user-created social trails that really go all over the wildlife management area and that leads to diminished habitat which really goes against the primary purpose of this parcel which is again to provide habitat for wildlife,” Jacobsen said."

It’s a WMA, not a park. It is there to benefit wildlife, not hikers, bikers, horseback riders, dog walkers, etc.

Close the area during calving season, prosecute trespass, and move on.
An area near Missoula is closed for this same reason. But every year some dipshit manages to break the rules. mtmuley
Please comment if you hunt here.edit:
Added proposal as well as where to provide comments.


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Guys I don't know anything about this directly but I want to voice one position that never gets heard in these situations. Wyoming has done this in recent years limiting access based on date for various wildlife reasons. My complaint is spring bear hunters loose in this! I have numerous areas that I can't hunt until a state set date, FYI our bear season ends 15 June so if this was here zero oppurtunity. I has spoke to some g&f reps about and response is always basically to few people effected to worry about, just pointing out bear hunters are hunters also...
Guys I don't know anything about this directly but I want to voice one position that never gets heard in these situations. Wyoming has done this in recent years limiting access based on date for various wildlife reasons. My complaint is spring bear hunters loose in this! I have numerous areas that I can't hunt until a state set date, FYI our bear season ends 15 June so if this was here zero oppurtunity. I has spoke to some g&f reps about and response is always basically to few people effected to worry about, just pointing out bear hunters are hunters also...
Often, wise wildlife management versus hunting privilege is all about balance of priorities.
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