Gallatin Mountain Goat Hunt

Enjoy your summer scout as much as you can. not because you can't shoot a goat without scouting but because it will get you in shape and be just as memorable if not more so than the hunt. maybe ask for help in a more subtle manner. Let me know if you have specific questions.
I had a bow, expired pepper spray, and my point and shoot camera. Closer than I ever want to be to a live Grizz. and yes maybe a little shaky as I was backpeddling and keeping an eye on on him.
I had a bow, expired pepper spray, and my point and shoot camera. Closer than I ever want to be to a live Grizz. and yes maybe a little shaky as I was backpeddling and keeping an eye on on him.

Ha! For sure!! Braver than me...I don't think I would have taken the time for a pic at all...

I have a blurry pic and video of a bull moose at 23 yards that was love struck for my mule one year in Idaho that the guys manage to bring up at least twice a year...
This is great...... nothing says mornin like a good old hunt talk thread.....i love it. I still am not aware of which actual district it is. My advice to you..... find the biggest peaks and climb....... they're there. Easy to see..... they're the white ones.
Sitting here trying to wrap my mind around OP's question and had to bite my fingers to keep from typing my initial reaction. Took a couple deep breaths and decided to try a different approach for a response.

First of all, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are ignorant to the fact of hunting edicate that asking anyone who doesn't offer exact locations of their past success to you on their own, is akin to telling a man with a hot wife you are lonely and asking him to introduce you to his wife for a bit of a snuggle.

For starters reread through Randy11's thread and ask yourself if you just want shoot a goat or if you want the experience that Randy and those of us who accompanied him on that hunt enjoyed. Because of Randy's hard work in scouting and preparation, I can say my memories of his goat hunt are some of my favorite in my life and I was just along to provide an extra set of eyes and a back to carry goat meat.

The exact unit and locale of where he experienced success are largly irrelevant to what will bring success to you in filling your goat tag and creating your own memories. I'm suspect just by the very nature of your first post that you lack the ambition and dedication it takes mentally and physically to get to where goats live and execute a successful hunt. Goats by and large are easy to find, they live on cliffs above timberline and you can see them a looong ways off. Navigating the terrain to get within range safely and without spooking a billy is a different story and is one of the reasons why goat hunting is per capita one of the most dangerous hunts in North America.

Buy Douglas Chadwick's book "A Beast the Color of Winter" and read it multiple times. It has all the info any goat hunter in any unit needs to be able to sort through to answer questions about where to find goats and how to identify a mature billy from other goats.

After that, study google earth and identify the areas that fit a goats biological needs.

After that, confirm or discard your hypothesis about each area by putting your boots on the ground and your eyes to optics.

If by September that process doesn't give you confidence in an area that will allow you to make this hunt your own experience, Randy could give you exact coordinates to where he killed his goat and it would be like a pimple faced teenager asking a collage jock which seat at the bar will guarrantee him success with the ladies.

I hope you actually want to do this tag justice and are just ignorant about the process and don't just want easy info to kill a goat. If it is the former, best of luck and I wish you good success. If it is the latter, I hope you fail and an unused goat tag gathers dust in your dresser drawer as a reminder of what could have been with a little determination and effort.
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"Sticky" worthy response Gerald. Substitute critter name and it rings true for all other species as well.
For the life of me though I can’t understand why you wouldn’t just private message the individual rather than ask on an open forum for someone to give out somebody else’s personal experience and places. I wouldn’t be real happy with my friends if they were responding on my behalf. I’m pretty sure you’d be way more likely to get the information you are seeking in a private setting from the individual you’re questioning.
I can recognize it from the video I saw. Private message me and I'll share the location. In advance will have you transfer $374 to my paypal account.
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I saw this post at 5am this morning before all the responses started pouring in. First thought that came to my mind was.... I know how many weekends Randy scouted for his billy, talk about putting boots on the ground, and getting everything out of a coveted tag, Randy did that. I reframed from a response myself this morning, thinking this should be pretty interesting once the whole gang wakes up to this.

It'd be much more refreshing to read a post after the hunt, describing the efforts, experiences and pictures about the hunt, tag punched or not. There's been some good advice already given, short of giving exact coordinates, you want to have success like Randy ..... be a scouting machine like him! The guy knows how to scout, puts serious time in scouting whether he's holding the tag of not. I think you'd be missing out on a big part of having this tag not getting out scouting.
Best of luck to you, now get to scouting!

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