FYI Colorado Parks & Wildlife Seeking Volunteers for Statewide Sportsmen's Roundtable


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
FYI Colorado Parks & Wildlife Seeking Volunteers for Statewide Sportsmen's Roundtable

DENVER - Colorado Parks and Wildlife is looking for volunteers to serve on a new statewide advisory panel that will provide feedback for the agency on hunting, fishing and wildlife management issues in Colorado.

The Colorado Sportsmen’s Roundtable will meet twice a year to discuss issues and help the agency understand the views and ideas of Colorado’s hunters and anglers. The agency hopes the group will provide a forum for identifying important issues and working with sportsmen to help protect fish, wildlife and habitat as well as preserving Colorado’s hunting heritage.

"Hunters and anglers are the champions of wildlife conservation in Colorado," said Rick Cables, Director of Colorado Parks and Wildlife. "We want their advice and ideas as we tackle the issues facing our state."

Individuals interested in serving on the Colorado Sportsmen’s Roundtable can complete a short online application to describe their involvement in hunting and fishing and their interest in representing their fellow hunters and anglers. The application can be completed at Sixteen individuals will be chosen to serve one or two year terms on the Roundtable. The deadline for applying is Friday, Feb. 15. The first meeting of the group will occur in late March. The group will also include individuals selected at regional “caucus” meetings to occur over the next few months around the state.

For additional information on this process, contact Dave Chadwick at [email protected] or 303-291-7174.


For more information about Division of Wildlife go to:
Be suprised if more than 10 sportsmen participate!

But I can assure you the Outfitters will be there in force :(
These are positions appointed by Rick Cables. They will be filled. It is up to sportsmen to make sure they are represented well by getting their very qualified associates to apply. Are you applying jlmatthew? ;)
Wonder if all the "nastygrams" I've sent that office would get me blacklisted if I applied...:eek:
Might as well throw my name in the hat... Hopefully the issues are a little more worthy than crap like this...
The Commission also began work to to implement House Bill 12-1330, which allows individuals with license suspensions of at least 10 years to petition the Commission for reinstatement but only after serving half of their suspension or 15 years of a lifetime suspension. Commissioners discussed a proposed administrative process that will require people requesting reinstatement to submit a package of information, including a letter explaining why the petitioner is unlikely to violate wildlife statutes in the future. Under the draft regulations, individuals who are considered and approved for reinstatement will be required to pay a $300 reinstatement fee, successfully complete a hunter education course and perform 40 hours of service on a Colorado Parks and Wildlife-approved project. The Commission will review the draft regulation for final approval at a future meeting. Individuals whose hunting and fishing license privileges are suspended in Colorado are also prohibited from hunting or fishing in 37 other states under the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact.
They would never pipck me either but the deadline is my b-day, maybe I will be chosen to represent and make a difference?
>They sent me a nasty gram last year after I failed to draw 3 big game tags I always draw, but will throw the hat in too.
do you have to "know" anything to be on this panel or is it just opinion based?

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