Freezer Ucks


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
Opening full week in the Eastern N. Carolina region. (opening day was Sat.)

So I head on down to the camp, expecting to join up with some of the old timers and enjoy some catching-up time with the guys. Well, guess what ? I had the whole d@mn camp to myself !!! Weird !

Mon. morning I had myself sitting in an old, old treehouse stand, from many yrs running, called the Cherry Tree stand (cuz it's up in a cherry tree). Got settled in about 6:30 AM. Barely could call it dawn.

Only sat there for about 15 min and saw a deer coming out into the cut over meadow to my left about 100 yds out and kinda circling it's way around to the bean field on my right. Watched for a few minutes while it worked itself toward the beans. A little better light now. Let it get to about 100 yds in front of me, and dropped the hammer.

Took off like a scaled dog, but kept up it's looping path and wound up hitting into the brush just a few yards form the Cherry tree.

I heard it crashing into brush, and saplings... then the tell-tale crash into the ground !

One down !!! A small 5 Pt. Had to drag it about 15 yds out to the field.

Cool !! Now I at least have some venison for the Halloween BBQ.

Day 2:

7:13 am...snoring away like a fog horn

7:14 am..wake up. Holy Crap ! Its daylight ! missed the alarm!

Grabbed what ever clothes were closest.... the nasty a$$ pair of bloody ripped jeans from yesterday, my camo t-shirt, orange ball cap, and a black fleece hoody, boots. Hit the door running with the rifle and that's it !

Parked the jeep by the Cherry tree. Figured I'd have to get back into the woods and try to get in front of the deer moving back into the bedding area. There was a ladder stand about 200 yds behind the cherry tree, on an old fire trail, so that is where I headed.

I kinda sorta quieted my way back to it as fast as I could. WTF, I'm way late!

The stand was at a junction of three old trails and would only give me a short quick shot, IF something showed. It's pretty thick back there. 7:45am


Freakin' squirell !

Crunck....crunch...crunch.... ????????

Hay Wait ! That sounded like it had a solid 'crunch' to it !?!?

A minute or two passes and the crunch..crunch is steadly getting closer.

I crane my neck around and SOB ! It's a deer about 15 yds hard to my back right !

Thank GOD for thick brush. I only got a glimpse, then the deer went behind some thick chit... I twisted and softly slipped a bit more to the right, let off the safety, and eased the rifle up.

Crunch... and there it was !

Horns ! BOOM !!!!!!!!!!


A 7 yd shot and there lay another freezer buck! 10 minutes in the stand !!!!!

So, all told, in two days I spent a whopping 30 min in a stand, and had two deer for the freezer.

"Ain't nothing to this deer hunting".........:D

The only pics I got were off my cell phone. Like I said, I had the camp to myself.


Hey G46, finally logged in. I was at Billy's the week before, for the MZ season. Hunted Dave's place. There's a nice 8 pt running around, but I never had him close enough. Glad to see you got a couple of freezer bucks. That Cherry Tree stand is a freakin' Deer Magnet !!
Sounds like fun! I do know that I've been fooled more than once by thinking a deer's a squirrel (or vice versa) by the sound of their walking...
1PT'r. Get him to tell you about the squirrel that jumped on his head (or the turkey/ treestand episode)! LMFAO!!!!!

Sorry Gunner...too many good stories not to pass along !!hump

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