Freelance Waterfowl


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2010
Anybody do any freelance waterfowl hunting in Canada (Sask or Alberta)?

Is it overrun with other hunters like Colorado elk season up there? Would like to make a trip with a buddy or two and the dog. Not really into the guided thing, just dont like being micro-managed and feel better doing it on my own

Just hoping folks will share their thoughts and opinions

Yes, if you are on the birds it can be the most incredible thing you have ever seen. Many times we would show up to our field only to find one or more groups already setting up. Several times we had atleast one other group set up on us after we were already there. The last year I went up north we had atleast one other group pull into our field every morning we were there. Usually you can work things out...If I hadn't set a goal to move my focus to hunt big game more I would be up there every year!
Yes, if you are on the birds it can be the most incredible thing you have ever seen. Many times we would show up to our field only to find one or more groups already setting up. Several times we had atleast one other group set up on us after we were already there. The last year I went up north we had atleast one other group pull into our field every morning we were there. Usually you can work things out...If I hadn't set a goal to move my focus to hunt big game more I would be up there every year!

another reason to go with an outfitter and this wouldn't happen.
I go north of the border every year for a 5 to 7 day hunt. I have gone both free lance and guided. In the end the cost are not all that different when you add in the cost of lodging, scouting, getting permission, food, hauling your deeks, blinds, dog etc, etc. Especially now that the Canadian dollar is better than par with the U.S. Dollar.

Personally I find that guided hunts were worth it, I don't mind doing it myself but for that that one time a year I don't do OYO and go guided.

I will say where I free lanced we have only had one issue with another group in the same field. Hunted it together and made some great friends. The American hunters are the ones who usually act like jerks not the Canadian hunters.

another reason to go with an outfitter and this wouldn't happen.

Dude, I'm sure you love what you do, and I'm excited for you... But I don't go to "on your OWN adventures" to read about how I need an outfitter. Several of the guys we had to relocate when they tried to set up down wind of us were guides with clients, and they had to explain the their clients why they were setting up to run traffic those days because they didn't get up early enough to beat the guys who were out doing it on their own. On two different trips to canada I've had guys who were clients beg me to take them out because their outfitter was failing them. I've seen plenty of people waste their money on guides so at the very least it goes both ways.
Dude, I'm sure you love what you do, and I'm excited for you... But I don't go to "on your OWN adventures" to read about how I need an outfitter. Several of the guys we had to relocate when they tried to set up down wind of us were guides with clients, and they had to explain the their clients why they were setting up to run traffic those days because they didn't get up early enough to beat the guys who were out doing it on their own. On two different trips to canada I've had guys who were clients beg me to take them out because their outfitter was failing them. I've seen plenty of people waste their money on guides so at the very least it goes both ways.

You are 100% right. Make sure you get a good outfitter though and it won't happen. There is a lot of scum outfitters not only in Alberta but all of the world and you get what you pay for. I hate to see horror stories happen as it makes it look bad for all of us. I will say i have never had hunters hunt in the same field as a local and I never will. I have an option of 2-5 shoots to hunt a day and I will not hunt the same field. Part of the reason why is the way we get permision. We ask and if allowed to hunt we ask them to hold the field for us for 3 or 4 days till we are done. They turn down others till we are done and this way we don't show up in the morning with a couple groups wanting to hunt. Any experience and worth his money outfitter will take care to make sure he has done everything he can to have a successfull hunt for clients.
AS Nemont said, you won't save yourself a whole lot going on your own and I think it is a lot of work to make it an enjoyable hunt on your own. To some it is not all about the number of birds you kill and it is worth it doing it on their own no matter what. I aggree with that as there is some sort of feeling of accomplishment with doing it on your own. If you are into killing a pile of birds then find a good outfitter who works hard and has the best interest of the client in mind and knows what he is doing and you will get limits of birds.
If you end up doing it this year let us know how things go for you. If you need some input and I can help in any way let me know.:)
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