Freakin @hole hunters ed instructor!!!!


Senior Thread Mover
Nov 28, 2001
Chandler, Az
I am really freakin pissed!!!


My son and I have been psyched all month waiting for the Combo Hunters Ed class that was scheduled for tonight! The class was supposed to be at Barro's Pizza in Chandler at 6;30 pm. We arrived at Barro's Pizza at 6:00 because we knew that there might be a crowd. At the Pizza joint, there was a sign at the door saying that the class was moved to an elementary school on Queen Creek rd. No problem, we're early right? We get there at about 6:10 and there is a line of 20 people there!

Now I'm thinking this sucks. There's no way we will get in. I'm standing next to another father and he said that this Bozo pre-registered 10 people already!

Now if you check the G&F website it states that there will be no pre-registration. Registration at the door only! Not to mention where the class was originally supposed to be!

Well now we all wait in line till 7:00pm because this @hole waited an extra 1/2 hour to let his pre-registered folks arrive. After 7:00 He decides to let another 10 people in. My son and I were the last people let in the class. Before I went in the class, I asked if there were any parents out there with kids holding tags for an up and coming hunt. I feel terribly sorry for the folks that left with kids with tears in their eyes, but those folks had already left.

Ok, now were in the class. I decided not to take the class since that was the only way for my son to get in since he was the last of the twenty. Guess what? This bozo counted wrong and now he asks for volunteers to leave! I was so disgusted, I told my son, "Let's get outa here". What a total unprofessional, Irresponsible piece of crap representing the G&F!!!

His whole reason for not taking more than 20 was because he only had enough materials for 20 people! Do you mean to tell me that he couldn't get more materials(study books) for the next night of class? What a !$@!!%#$%!#@$

I told him that AZG&F was going to hear about this and he acted like he could care less! OOOOOOOOh, I'm pissed!
If you were in Idaho I personally know the President of the Hunters Ed org and alot of the board members. But I can't help you there.....

MAke your Voice known, but breath a few times before going. It's alright to blow up on a hunting board but people tend to mark you as a Freakazoid in person if ya do that. Let them know and make sure you talk to the BIG people. not just the complaint department.

Sorry to hear, Good luck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Thanks guys! I'm not a natural blow hard and I always have my ducks in a row when speaking with people in high places. I will make sure that my voice is heard by the right people. I have PM'd the director of the AZG&F twice, so I expect to hear from him soon. I even volunteered to be a hunters ed instructor for our area. This stuff is total Bull shat and should not be tolerated! Especially when there are kids that were awarded a hunt from their first draw!

This will not be my last post on this subject and this should get interesting! I'll keep y'all informed.
The guy sounds like a pre-madona dick weed... Give them you feedback for sure....maybe look for another class/instructor. good luck.
I think it would probably be at good idea to work yourself into being an instructor John...
I wouldn't think the Game Dept. would balk at people wanting to help them out on constructive endevours...
Keep us informed....

Sorry to hear that, but I'm not suprised in the slightest.

I took the AZ hunters ed class in Prescott last year and it was an absolute joke. The AZG&F should have some department employees slip in to the classes and observe/listen to whats going on and being said.

The instructor I had didnt know the fall turkey regulations at all, told the class it was "unethical to shoot an elk that you couldnt get an ATV to", railed the endangered species act as a "waste of time, effort, and money..who cares about some endangered fish", hated the bonus point program, told the class the Forest Service really doesnt want people hunting wilderness areas...but was real sympathetic to ranchers as "elk compete with their cattle".

What a mess. I've sat through or have taken hunters ed in 3 states, and thats by far the biggest joke of a class I've ever seen.

The only good thing about it was the fact it was only one day, I met a couple other pretty serious hunters taking the class, and I got a permanent bonus point.
Thanks for the replies folks! I have spoken with the Director and he gave me his word that this matter will be looked into. This man is a good friend and an honest stand up guy. I'm looking forward to getting some positive results from this fiasco.

Yes Elkchsr, I am volunteering to be a hunters ed instructor. He's getting me the info for that also. I guarantee you that I will not send a child from my class in tears! :MAD
John if you get to be an instructor let me know where and when your holding class. I want to get my son and daughter both in one this year and I'd just as soon attend your's as any. I've still got the patch and sticker they gave me when I attended my first one some 30 years ago. Let me also be the first to offer my assistance if you need it. I'm pretty sure I'm qualified.
Class in Arkansas

My best friend took his nine year old son to a class this fall. The joker teaching it had an opeing statement where he fumbled and stuttered around and then said "basically just don't be a dumass". Then they got into the real material where the guy tried to explain the B&C scoring system, the merits of bio logic over Imperial whitetail clover for a food plot, API treestands over the tree lounge etc. The class was a total joke, but his son did pass the test and get his card which is all its about anymore anyway it seems.
It is'nt just in your state, when I took my son to a Louisiana Hunter Safety class, the jerk running it told us all about ethics and to always do "THE RIGHT THING". Then I overhear him and a buddy talking about shooting two Elk in Colorado at 11,000' where ATVs were not suppose to be and that they sure were glad they were'nt caught hauling the elk out on the ATVs. It's kinda hard to listen to an actor, when you've heard the script before. John
Bummer about your experience.

I'm taking the course right now with my 10 year old son, and it is a realy treat. It is offered at the Scottsdale Gun Club, and the lead instructor & assistants are doing a fine job.

Maybe this guy learned something from the experience that he can apply to future classes. Knowing he is a volunteer (because ALL of the instructors are...), at least he's out there trying to do some good..... Maybe he was having a bad night or something...

Good luck in becoming an instructor, and good luck to you & your son when you try to take the class again. If you don't get certified soon enough to teach your son's class yourself, you should call the Scottsdale Gun Club to see when they are going to start the next class there. Highly recommended...

Kudos to all that volunteer their time to help the youngsters & our sport!


I love it! I posted this same thread at MM and now I'M THE JERK!!!! I won't go into any more details, but let's just say that the ball is in motion.

Thanks for your support!
John-Saw you get blasted on MM! I am taking the class in Scottsdale and it is a good one. Hope you get in to a good one also. If nothing else it points out that if the state is going to require something they need to be prepared to handle the load. Far too few classes available IMO. The people teaching are volunteers so I don't really blame them much but they should have standards for communication and enrollment to prevent the mess you had. I know that Scottsdale did pre-register and maybe that is the best solution in the short term. Good luck.

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