Kenetrek Boots

Fort Peck Fall Walleyes


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2010
Just curious, how is the fall walleye fishing on Fort Peck? I don't know the lake real well but roughly speaking the mid-section of the lake from Snow Creek Bay to The Pines Recreation Area. I'm sure it's good but know that it can also be a tough lake to figure out in just a few days. I have 5 or 6 elk points in MT and am tempted as hell to apply for an archery tag and take the boat out for a combo fishing/elk trip there in September. @Schism cringes in the worst way every time I mention this but damn that sounds like a blast. I know the lake trout come up shallower in the fall too but am not sure if they do that around the entire lake or if that's more closer to the dam. It's REEEEEAAAAALLLLLY hard to say whether I'd be more serious about the fishing or elk hunting so if someone wants to chime in on the elk hunting, sure that's great but I'm more interested in learning about the fishing. Thanks fellas.
Why not plan a fishing trip first in September...check out the elk hunting while fishing for a week and then make your decision for the following year?
I hear ya. And I've thought about that. I think I'd need at least some sort of tag in my pocket, otherwise I would probably never leave the boat. If I had either a deer tag or cow elk tag though, then I'd put in a good hunting effort. I'd be shocked if I didn't love that country. Might have to pencil that in this year...
Just curious, how is the fall walleye fishing on Fort Peck? I don't know the lake real well but roughly speaking the mid-section of the lake from Snow Creek Bay to The Pines Recreation Area. I'm sure it's good but know that it can also be a tough lake to figure out in just a few days. I have 5 or 6 elk points in MT and am tempted as hell to apply for an archery tag and take the boat out for a combo fishing/elk trip there in September. @Schism cringes in the worst way every time I mention this but damn that sounds like a blast. I know the lake trout come up shallower in the fall too but am not sure if they do that around the entire lake or if that's more closer to the dam. It's REEEEEAAAAALLLLLY hard to say whether I'd be more serious about the fishing or elk hunting so if someone wants to chime in on the elk hunting, sure that's great but I'm more interested in learning about the fishing. Thanks fellas.
I think your thinking is solid.😎 I was out to Montana with the boat last summer. I just applied for my big game General permit. My walleye fishing has been on Canyon Ferry at the dam end. If I draw the boats coming with!!
The walleye are planted at Hell Creek marina last I knew (the west of the two arms) and so walleye fishing on that side is often expected to be better. Access is limited anywhere but it does keep pressure a bit lower.
Not be the guy that brings up a 2 year old thread, but I’m planning to fish Ft. Peck possibly in September for a 2-3 days and was interested on techniques on catching walleye, bass, catfish and normal water depth to find them. I have previously caught walleye trolling with bottom bounchers worm harness and jigging. I have only fished it from the bank and never from a boat. I’ve heard the walleye move into shore in the weed beds chasing bait fish. Any areas of the lake that would be more productive in mid September? I like Hell Creek and the Big Dry Arm areas.

If anyone wants to join me for a day fishing, I have boat and you will just need to bring Coors for me. Thanks for the help. Preston
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