Here we go again. The Fort Belknap Water Bill 1394 died in D.C. Now Fort Belknap Indian Council has written a new water bill for 2019 and have shown this bill to Phillips and Valley Counties, Montana County Commissioners in mid January. Senator Jon Tester sponsored 1394 and most likely will sponsor the 2019 water settlement bill. I would think most people who do not like the giveaway of tens of thousands of state and federal lands that are included in this "Water Bill" along with millions of dollars will ask our senators and congressmen to oppose this bill. One should contact Senator Testers office and ask that he have a hearing period and a letter writing period so we can voice our opinions on this bill before it goes to Washington D.C.! Tester brags that he is for public lands in public hands, but not in this "Water Bill". Most of you people in Eastern Montana cherish the Little Rockies in Phillips County for all aspects of outdoor activity. There are state and other federal lands in total of 58,588 acres in this land giveaway, 20,296 are State land on reservation. I did see the new bill. I for one do not like senators giving away our public lands along with taxpayers money. What about you! If you are a sportsman who uses Montana outdoors, you might want to write Tester, he has a website for his office, easy to post directly to him. Post under Indian affairs and then Subject: Fort Belknap Water Settlement Bill of 2019. If we jump early on this we might change the possible bad outcome!