Nice work Billy. I suspect there could be a hen in front of the turkey troop. Tho Bwana could be right, the beard looks to me to be attached to a 16 month old gobbler.
I suppose I should have titled this thread "Grouse & Turkey". Anyway this is the same turkey, so no bearded hen. We did not see any other birds other than those in the pic.
We debated shooting in fear of ophaning the little ones, but figured there must be a hen nearby and they'd be fine. Would you have shot?
These pics are from last weekend. We were quite surprised to see such young birds at this time of year. Is that unusual?
WD, still meaning to get together with you for a beer. I've just been super busy lately. Here is that turkey's fan as well as another we shot. Are these both eastern/merriams hybrids just marked a little different?
BG,We'll get together for some lies...........
The darker bird looks like it's pure Eastern, the other an Idaho "mutt".
A late brood for sure. They'll probably hook up with momma or another group, I hope.