
For sale- howa alpine mountain rifle- 6.5 creedmore


Well-known member
May 12, 2006
Somewhere in Montana
At the risk of being ridiculed for actually owning a 6.5 Creedmore, I thought I would give you guys first crack at a rifle I am getting read to sell. I upgraded to a nice light carbon fiber gun for my mountain goat hunt and am going to let my Howa Alpine Mountain Rifle in 6.5 Creedmore go... This was one of the first ones shipped when they first came out... I bought it off the rep at that time. It is a super handy, light weight rifle with pretty acceptable accuracy, considering the light contour of the barrel. I found that given proper time to cool the barrel it would definitely shoot 1 MOA with factory 143 GR ELD-X roudns and even better with handloads.

Standard green stock, and traditional drop floor plate. VERY minor wear and tear marks from 3 seasons of hunting, but no signficant damage or markings. I can send pics to interested parties. I already pulled the scope off it, but have a vault FULL of Sig Sauer optics, so could make a package deal if you are interested.

First $750 Cash takes the gun..... and I can likely deliver to most places in MT if you are patient, as I travel the whole state. Otherwise just the cost of actual shipping to your FFL.

PM me or feel free to respond to this post with questions, or if you are interested.
Did you sell? You said you had for three years. I just bought a 6.5. How did it do for Elk hunting? Did you kill any with it? Did it put them down?
Did you sell? You said you had for three years. I just bought a 6.5. How did it do for Elk hunting? Did you kill any with it? Did it put them down?

i've got a 6.5x284 and those 143gr ELD-X bullets do some damage. My wife uses the gun and does very well on Elk, Deer, and Antelope.
Yes... I sold it last year right after posting it up here. I replaced it with a Christensen Ridgeline also in 6.5CM. Last year it took several deer, 2 sheep, a goat, an antelope and a bull elk. I shoot handloads with the 143 ELDX and it performs very well. With the silencer on it, I can watch impact.
Yes... I sold it last year right after posting it up here. I replaced it with a Christensen Ridgeline also in 6.5CM. Last year it took several deer, 2 sheep, a goat, an antelope and a bull elk. I shoot handloads with the 143 ELDX and it performs very well. With the silencer on it, I can watch impact.

I am seriously considering buying a ridgeline. I was thinking about buying the 300wsm. How do you like yours can you give me some pros and cons on it elkwhisper.
No cons on my ridgelie.... other that the fact that some dirtbag busted the window out of my truck and stole it, not to mention the $1200 scope and silencer it had on it.

Liked it so much, I immediately ordered another one that should be here shortly. Hope it shoots as well as the first one. That one was on the money... my wife and 14 yearold daughter both loved shooting it and made kills at 500yards+ with it.

I liked my Howa.... but LOVED my Ridgeline.
Ahh man that is terrible. I hope they recover it sometime in the near future. I think I'm gonna bite the bullet and order one soon. I've been fondling them for months at Cabelas and online.
I guess it's time!
Thanks a ton they sure feel great.
Ok, thanks. I hunt in South Carolina, and just bought the 6.5 Creedmoor Browning X Bolt Eclipse Hunter. I had bought the 7mm Rem Mag Browning X Bolt Eclipse Hunter in 2016 for hunting in Montana, and it has done great, but the recoil definitely pounds you. It is not a problem, but I wanted something like I used to have when I had an A Bolt 270, and decided to give the 6.5 a try.

I essentially have a gun for East, and a gun for West. I hunt in Northeastern Montana for Antelope, and Muleys. 2019 is hopefully my elk year.

The reason I asked my question was because i wondered if the 6.5 would be good enough for the things that I have already shot with the 7mm. I can tell a HUGE difference in recoil, and I don't seem to flinch at all with the 6.5. I think a lot of that is just range time with the 7mm and shooting it over and over.

Are you guys essentially saying that in your opinions that that 6.5 can kill all of those?? Sorry for being long winded.
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